The guy who killed Khasoggi just gave Jared $2B

Oh. You don’t have to tell me.


More naval gazing.

The $2 billion Saudi war chest, maybe?

Now…look up.

Still talking Hunter’s laptop in a thread about Jared.

More off-topic trolling.

You should totes chastise @Jezcoe for off topic trolling. He’s the one I quoted.

“appearance”. :man_shrugging:

The laptop is a useful for propaganda, not for law enforcement.

Hunter Biden’s deals in China will likely get him into trouble with tax evasion.

I don’t think there is anything with his businesses in Ukraine and Russia that will stick beyond the Right wing fever dreams.

If Hunter Biden is found guilty… he should face consequences. If there is some connection of business activity and influence peddling with Joe Biden while he was in office… something that there is no evidence that it happened… then I will gladly advocate that Joe Biden gets impeached and thrown down a hole

It remains apparent that there is deep deep deep concern that is based innuendo, rumor and hearsay when it comes to looking at Democrats and literally not giving a ■■■■ when it comes to Republicans.

It is seriously a team sport at this point.

@lessright he’s doing it again. Totes get him!!

At least we already know it couldn’t possibly be:

  1. Border Crisis
  2. Afghanistan retreat Withdrawal Debacle
  3. Return to Energy Dependence
  4. Authoritarian KungFlu-19 Mandates
  5. Giant Crime Surge
  6. Stoner Levels of Inflation
  7. The War on Parents

It’ll be anything but their own faults. :wink:


And it’s totes not an old racist (by his VP’s own totes admission) at the helm.


Totes not.

your statements about no evidence are simply an exercise in denial. there’s plenty of evidence, whether or not it can be tied together into a factual case is another matter, and why we have investigations.

and your kinard about the laptop is comical. you keep repeating as if, if you repeat it often enough it will somehow become true. it wasn’t true the first time you said it, and its not true now.

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That’s how the loony leftist mind convinces itself of its own virtue. :wink:

“Nobel Peace Prize nomination” is a meaningless designation.

Well, totes back to the thread topic so as not to offend @lessright ’s sensibilities, is Jared still even in totes politics? I thought his father in law totes lost the last election, and the left is supposed to totes be over it by now. Like totes Hillary.

There is zero evidence that Joe Biden used the power of his office for personal profit.

When I saw this thread title, I thought it was about that Subway guy who went to prison.

I’m not up my enemies’ asses 24/7 like that. I totes don’t obsess over people I think I hate. :rofl:

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Brokering a peace deal in the Middle East was the prize. The nom is, again, totes just an attempt at recognition.

He totes did, and there’s totes evidence.