The gaslighter in chief

According to Smyrna, that early inflation that I identified from Feb-Jun was Trump’s fault.

You disagree, Rodeo?

It’s later in the day than I like to be involved in this forum (its a genuine waste of time to get drug into discussions with lefties in particular when there are actually productive things to be done but what the hell…)

From CNBC - Headline - “Fed influence, shaky forecasts, delayed decisions: How the Biden administration misread the inflation threat”

The first couple of paragraphs…

“When President Joe Biden nominated former Fed Chair Janet Yellen to run the Treasury Department, his rationale was simple: “No one is better prepared to deal with this crisis.”…The crisis to which he referred was a “K-shaped” economic recovery that had exacerbated inequality in the wake of a once-in-a-generation pandemic. The administration had a simple plan, and Yellen would help carry it out. Once hundreds of millions of Americans were vaccinated against Covid-19, and trillions of dollars in new government spending flowed into the economy, the world would return to normal under a supercharged recovery…One year later, a different problem — inflation — is dampening the recovery, sucking the oxygen out of strategy sessions, angering voters and threatening Democrats’ razor-thin governing margins. This is happening despite warnings from economists and months of vows from the Federal Reserve and the White House it would be short-lived.”

The piece highlights some reasons…Yellen staffed the treasury with a bunch of think tank nerds from the Fed. “Yellen poached experts in economics and labyrinthine political processes from the well she knew best — the Federal Reserve — causing a revolving door of new hires to spin even more quickly than normal.”

Biden spent more time worrying about Covid than he did Supply and Demand. “Hassett was part of a trio of former White House economists, including Clinton Treasury Secretary Larry Summers and Obama CEA chair Jason Furman, who warned early in Biden’s term that inflation was afoot, when the government was more concerned with Covid. They parsed different data but arrived at the same conclusions: Trillions in stimulus spending being plowed back into the economy when companies couldn’t produce enough of what consumers wanted would drive prices higher…“It’s obvious to a person who does macroeconomic modeling of the modern variety that inflation was going to take off,” Hassett told CNBC. Last April, Hassett declared that the inflation “fire was on” and by June determined that inflation would reach 7% by the end of the year.”

From Fox Business…“How Biden’s policies ignited inflation” How Biden's policies ignited inflation | Fox Business

“Inflation, as we all learned from our elementary economics text book, is too many dollars chasing too few goods…Hold that thought and everything else falls into place…Because this simple and inviolable law of economics and finance explains in one sentence why the Biden government spending bills have accelerated the rise in consumer prices to their highest rates in nearly 30 years…Remember: there have been three massive spending bills flushed into the economy this year – already – and mostly financed with debt: the $1.9 trillion blue state bailout bill back in the spring and the $1.2 trillion infrastructure/green energy bill…Tack on to that the $1 trillion COVID relief bill that passed during President Trump’s last weeks in office. These budget busters were mostly financed with more federal borrowing. And an unusually large share of the government bonds has been financed by the Federal Reserve Board buying them – that is with dollars that are printed and circulated into the economy.”

Now…You might argue that Trump spent too much on Covid Relief…and I won’t disagree. But it’s inarguable that Biden threw buckets of gas on that fire. Build Back Bankrupt might have been the final nail in the coffin.

Add to all of that, IMHO…Biden’s decisions on energy to immediately go after fossil fuels…Remember Biden said during the campaign “We are Going to Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”. The massive price increases at the gas pump are at the core of our inflation crisis. We as a society should learn the lesson that any and all input from Green New Deal idiots on energy policy from January 21, 2021 forward should be ignored and deemed unwelcome. We need to stop letting environuts make energy policy. Full Stop.

Biden’s your guy…deflect to Trump and Tucker Carlson all you want but your guy sucks.

I’m out have a lovely day.


That’s a whole lot of words to say you do not subscribe to Smyrna’s 18 month cone theory. Ok. That’s fine.

The single dumbest thing on the list of dumb things you lefties write here daily is your effort to tell we conservatives what we are thinking. Here’s a hint…You impress no one with that crap.

That’s alot of words to show you why the idiot you voted for and his policies are directly responsible for the nightmare we are experiencing right now and oh by the way it’s going to get worse. I didn’t expect you to understand a word of it.

Anyway I’ve made my point flounder around with it all you want. Maybe it’s all Tucker Carlson’s fault!


So you DO agree with Smyrna’s 18 month cone theory. Got it. So that early inflation is Trump’s fault.

So I had a minute and thought I d see what words of wisdom were offered in response.

Just to summarize I produced a post linked to two different articles detailing why our current inflation mess can be traced back to the Biden admin. When i wrote that post i knew i was wasting my time responding to a kookfringe lib who cared more about narrative than truth. Only an idiot or a liar who read what i wrote and come to the conclusion Borgia Dude came to above. I don’t know which catagory you fit in and I sincerely don’t care, but I will thank you to never misrepresent my opinions this blatantly again.

“Must Deflect to Trump”.


So you do disagree with Smyrna’s rule that there is an 18 month cone.

See, the problem you are having is you want to assign the inflation to Biden but don’t want to have to say that Smyrna is wrong. I’m not sure why you are having a problem articulating that.

Let’s test your consistency further. Inflation since Day 1 under Biden is all his fault. Ok. Is the very low unemployment similarly Biden’s fault? Unemployment 15 months later? Or is that due to Trump?

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Dude I don’t care about your interpretation of Smyrna’s rule. Take that up with Smyrna. My position is perfectly clear.

Go bother somebody else. Stop lying about what I said.

I’m just trying to understand you. You say that Biden is responsible for inflation from Day 1. Does he get credit for the large drop in unemployment from Day 1 or is that different?

Then read what I’ve already written.

Here’s the onlyh thing you need to understand…You have no credibility with me. I have no interest in further interaction with you. You lied about my above comments.

Go away.

I didn’t lie, I assumed a conclusion based on your “smart guy” comment about Smyrna. I assumed you agreed with his theory. It looks like you don’t, but you seem too deferential to say it.

Look, I know I am asking a difficult question about why Day 1 inflation is due to Biden but Day 1 Unemployment is…?

Are you consistent?

Yes you did.

You know what happens when you assume.

Bye bye now!

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…and your lack of comprehension is spoken like a person whose mental cognizance concluded Brandon was the better choice. In the future, I’ll try to stay in the shallow end when discussing something. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Of course not, but to be fair, neither is our side. Individual partisans may be fair and even handed, but not the general population.

Nothing in my post makes judgements on Biden, Trump, or your cone theory. I just present data and ask how you reconcile with two datasets; inflation and unemployment. That is getting into the data and avoiding broad generalizations.

No need to attack me.

Who you talking to?

Are you or are you not a Brandonite? That in itself says it all and thanks for playing. :+1:

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It’s a shame you cannot reconcile your cone theory with inflation/Trump and unemployment/Biden and instead retreat into spouting pablum.

It upsets me my friend as to where “we” are today, recognizing it was entirely avoidable and in part, I hold you responsible as much as I was responsible for 2017 through 2020. I was happy with my decision and was able to point out the positive impacts he was making on our country and the world. Now…please do the same and I’ll listen to you.

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I’d be happy to discuss Biden with you but we haven’t finished the conversation about your cone and inflation/unemployment.