The Future of Our Glorious Party Is the -Cortez Woman

ACA obviously isn’t single payer.

The French and Germans explicitly copied the Medicare model for their public healthcare, hilariously enough.

look at the idiots we elect to our government. Do you really want to trust them with your healthcare?

Enlighten me.

give trumpers embrace of the socialism of trumps payoff to farmers its conservative who are the true socialists

A lot of Americans aren’t very smart. They hate socialized medicine but they’re all for Medicare. Democrats need to Frank Luntz it avoid saying “single payer” or “universal healthcare.” Medicare for all appeals to a lot more people including many Trumpists.

She appeals to people that feel they have no power and no say, but so does Trump.

I don’t think her positions are really that extreme, but they are left of what Conservatives like.



I trust my doctor with my health care.

I trust the government to pay for that health care just as much as trust my insurance provider to not have to fight with me over a $15 copay that I paid… and then went back and forth with them for six months after providing proof of payment in the form of the cancelled check and went ahead and paid it again anyway with a note stapled to a letter that said it was no longer worth my time to interact with them on a bi weekly basis over $15 and if they could please make sure that the payment gets recorded.

So… that is the amount that I trust them.

Maybe we should ask other countries how they do it?

Maybe we could contract some Europeans to design a system for us since you don’t trust Americans.

Hmmm. Been working for 300 years hereabouts. And gubment healthycare has NOT been working elsewhere for longer than that. The SECOND any peasant in another country can afford better they flee to paid services. And there are paid services in other countries. It pops up the minute the po folks gets their freebie health services. Government run healthcare = death wholesale.

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Ms. -Cortez is the loser the right didn’t want to see come along but will use to the max. Remember Bob…the lefter the left goes the righter the middle goes…including card carrying proud dems who can’t stomach their party being hijacked by sloganized commie babes.

Actually they have much better results than we do.

Life expectancy in this country has been dropping. Ours is now surpassed by Chile. Yet we are a vastly much wealthier country.

So I will ask once again… we pay twice per capita on health care that the next OECD country pays. Is our care twice as good?

Look. What you’re doing isn’t working. You’re much much too clever with your frobige. Come off a wee bit more humble and you might attract more adherents to your social medicine campaign.

No doubt one reason mortality in the U.S. is now down into the lower 30’s is bekez mullenial lib’s heads are exploding regularly since Trumpus MAGA attained the big boy seat.

I think I have a headache. Down with healthcare. Up with -Cortez!

She isn’t a Commie. Calling her that doesn’t help your argument.

Oh… not interested in a serious discussion.

I will remember that.

I want the primary concern of healthcare to be providing healthcare, not making money.

A nice ideal to strive for. But here’s the thing about that. Take the money out of any industry, and the talented, highly skilled innovative people who break new ground and perform remarkable achievements will leave that industry and go where their skills will be properly compensated. You are then left with the mediocre performers who barely can get the job done.

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Your silly name calling diminishes what you actually have to say. Stopped sealing at occasional- Cortez. Grow up.