The Future of Our Glorious Party Is the -Cortez Woman

no. but I can make the case it will be twice as worse.

Why would you think that?

The popularity of Medicare is in the high 70%.

Seems like the majority of people who use it… like it.

What choice do they have?

Paying a lot more for health care.

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You get what you pay for.

Is anyone who would complain about it still alive?

It is really silly to try to make a case that the older someone gets, the price of health care would remain flat as compared to youth.

So, when a person has removed themselves from the labor pool, and the job supported health insurance market, one cannot expect that the costs would remain or go down at all.

It doesn’t make any sense.

The only people that government giveaways have been unpopular with are those who know they are on the hook to pay for them. But ■■■■ them anyway. They are in the minority and this democracy g has decided their fate.

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Its also silly to think the Medicare system will be able to care for everyone.

I would very much be on the hook to pay for Medicare for all.

I also understand that it would result in an overall decrease in per capita spending on health care with better results.

Leaving basic health care to the free market just doesn’t work. It is a public good that save us all money in the long run… but there is that very American fear that someone, somewhere might be getting one over on people so we instead privatize everything and don’t care if a corporation screws with you.

Why is it silly?

It pays for seniors, the most expensive demographic. Why not everyone else? Just raise the payroll tax. That will affect everyone.

I don’t want my taxes to go up.

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Heck… I would be happy with a simple public option to buy into.

That would also lower everyone’s bills.

You would rather pay twice per capita more than other countries because you don’t want your taxes to go up a couple of percentages?

You realize that that doesn’t make much sense… right?

Currently there are more people paying into Medicare than using it. Change that by putting everyone on it and it will collapse under its own weight.


We’ve had 'bama care for how many years now and we’re still paying twice per capita. What the ■■■■ makes you think the government will do a better job is we let them ■■■■ with the health care system again?

Every other country can implement a single payer system at half the cost per capita spending on health care than the US but somehow… we can’t do it… because we are just that special.

Um I’m not sure you get how insurance works.

It’s been beaten into their heads for years that this is bad. You’re wasting your time. For the record I have Tricare and its fine.

Joe Leiberman killed the public option. That would have gone a very long way to reducing costs.

It is one of the reasons why the ACA was in a lot of ways a crappy bill.