The freaky, shocking latest Q posts

Yes you’re on to me Comrade. I am an adrenochrome guzzling agent provocateur, turning America into a CCP client state and I mock the only people who are standing up for and fighting for American freedom, Q Patriots and their main weapon, YouTube videos. Don’t let it get out since I have friends here.


I knew there was something different about you when I saw how fast those words looked typed out.





Q is actually most likely a russian troll farm product.

funny that you believe that crap.


it’s ■■■■■■■ crazy that people on this site think Q-berts are patriots/

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Ohhhh maaaan. You just solved it. Qberts! This guy!

Of course! Look at that explicitly shaped nose, designed to appeal to kids…Q Anon are the REAL pedos and they’re trying to cover it up by blaming everybody else!

“Appear”? There have been psychotics and scitzophrenics attaching their mental disorders and paranoia onto all kinds of narratives other than Qanon. You can’t just assume that several correlations prove causation. If these people had been watching CNN instead of Qanon, they would have been trying to sneak into the WH or kill Trump or trying to burn down ICE facilities and police buildings believing they are being used to victimise children and minorities.

Oh. And that’s been happening too. So are you calling for those conspiracy theories to be taken down/outlawed too?

And there was nothing in that article that cited Qanon encouraging violence.

Patreon has banned Q anon nonsense.

Good to see that they are taking a stand against people making money spreading obviously false and damaging conspiracies.

Here’s a group that is trafficking in kidnapped children yet the Q weirdos are staying strangely silent about this.

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None of the violent fantasies you write about here have been happening.

Why not?

US Cyber Command on Twitter

I bet I don’t have any pizza, cheese, sauce, hotdog, pasta ice cream or walnut in any of my thousands of email.


Nobody is running or hiding. We are still waiting and we are bored.

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This is apropos

A book review of George Orwell’s masterpiece “1984”

Looks like the calculations were off a bit.

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I wonder what the future of Q is now.

What is Jim Watkins going to do to keep it going?

what’s Q? never heard of it.