The freaky, shocking latest Q posts

Patreon has banned Q anon nonsense.

Good to see that they are taking a stand against people making money spreading obviously false and damaging conspiracies.

Here’s a group that is trafficking in kidnapped children yet the Q weirdos are staying strangely silent about this.

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None of the violent fantasies you write about here have been happening.

Why not?

US Cyber Command on Twitter

I bet I don’t have any pizza, cheese, sauce, hotdog, pasta ice cream or walnut in any of my thousands of email.


Nobody is running or hiding. We are still waiting and we are bored.

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This is apropos

A book review of George Orwell’s masterpiece “1984”

Looks like the calculations were off a bit.

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I wonder what the future of Q is now.

What is Jim Watkins going to do to keep it going?

what’s Q? never heard of it.


Looks like another Q believer was arrested.

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I don’t use Facebook, but saw this video

Jim Watkins has nothing to do with it, as should be obvious by now. Stop pretending you know anything about it. Anyone can post on 8kun. Even most 8kun “anons” don’t believe “Q” is “real”

Ii’s totally Jim Watkins.

Another sting article

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That dude is a Sandy Hook Truther

He is lying to you.

And what if he was?
Maybe there was a reason.

People are very incredulous about anything that doesn’t fit their understanding/