The Forces of the Great Reset have used COVID to advance an Evil Agenda

Thank you.

One has to remember that there’s both a professional and the personal side of life. This thread was more on the chaos currently happening out there in the world but with in, the peace of Christ who abides, trumps all.

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When the first strain began to get under control, the Delta strain was yelled from the rooftops by the MSM. It was reported as being many, many, many times more contagious and deadly. That scare has diminished and now a new strain, from South Africa is now being introduced. The stock market dumper over 900 points yesterday as a result of this scare tactic.

Austria has announced a lockdown last week for those 12 and older that have not been vaccinated.

The lockdown plan which was agreed in September called for unvaccinated Austrians to face a stay-at-home order once 30% of intensive-care beds are occupied by Covid-19 patients. Unvaccinated people are already excluded from entertainment venues, restaurants, hairdressers and other parts of public life in Austria.

This pits one group against another with in their country. Slovakia has announced they’re going to shutdown too. The push is for vaccinations and yet very little emphasis appears to be placed on treating this virus with medicine so that they never enter a hospital. Why is that? Is this all a part of an evil agenda?