The first stage in the battle for Venezuela

I mean, if you told me ten years ago you and I would be telling Rose and Sneaky that invading Venezuela isn’t a good idea I’d have said “sounds about right”

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its great on paper remove a thorn on the world stage and open the country up to western interest, but if could go south easily and end up with another Libya.

can this new President even consolidate power in the country?

or honduras.

Honduras is fine these days right?


so let say the government collapse and Guaido take power, can he take control over the military, and federal police force, what about the other political parties? or will the country split into more conflict as more group grasp for power.

regime changes are fine if you have a centralized power to take their place.

Couldn’t tell ya.

and I know no one else here can either because I know the name Guaido never showed up on thi s board before a month ago. I’d bet 99% of the sudden regime change hawks could tell you more about Jussie Smollett than him. And since we know Trump has purged the state department of anyone but sycophantic loyalists we can bet they are in the same boat.

But hey what the hell. Viva la Guaido.

Reminds me of an old joke. It starts out: A room full of Benghazi experts plot regime change in South America…

The refugee problem


I’m talking about Colombia genio, not the US.

build some walls.

what would you call it?

A lot longer than “since the 60s”. Go look up the Artisan Rebellion.

but your point stand they are good at fighting, not sure how well the Venezuela are or if they would go all gorilla terrorism.

Good Lord. Leave me alone.

It’s being done right now.

Well, there’s no truth in that for sure but do carry on.

Columbia alone? Seems like some sort of “Northern alliance” will be needed.

Why? VZ is crumbling from within and the military is starting to break up/defect.

You say that but then I went and ran a search with your username and “guaidó” and “guaido” and zilch nada was the find. Maybe I did it wrong and you can point me to your history of espousing the virtues of this great future leader of Venezuela that we should commit ourselves to.

Don’t you think this sudden burst of regime change fun-talk playtime would be a lil bit more legitimate if we hadn’t just pulled a magic savior out of a hat?

Cool. So we don’t need to do anything then. Can keep our guns lawyers and money safe up here with us.

I remember when VZ crumbled on Chavez.