The first stage in the battle for Venezuela

Socialism is stepping stone to communism.

20 years ago libs denied being progressive, then they embraced it.

Then they denied being socialist and now they have embrace it.

What will they embrace 20 years from now?

Progressive straight towards communism…

Chant it with me Conan.




There is no way Maduro is going to leave power currently without military intervention.

Liberal don’t want socialism they want social programs like healthcare.

Liberal want to be more like Norway not China.

only in America does the concept of social spending equal communism.

I don’t see any liberal calling for the government to take over every oil and gas company in America like they did in Venezuela.


Wish they had. I wouldn’t be against owning all of BP’s American assets right now. Hell, they have a couple million sq of empty office tower in Houston I could store some goats in right now.

Nothing like Arab Spring. Colombians can ■■■■■■■ fight. They’ve been at war continuously for well over a 100 years. You’d be better off going bear hunting with a switch than messing with them.

The first stage was the election.

Sure sure. They also absolutely no reason to sacrifice their current golden age saving the oppressed youth of Venezuela.

ten char


If it were about the oil they’d have been defeated decades ago.

I would like to think that was true but then I remember that the Taliban held us off for about 18 years and all that cobalt and lithum is going to stay in the ground for another century at least.

We’re talking about defeating a standing army here, not an asymmetrical conflict.

Ah yes, because revolutionary socialists know nothing about asymmetrical conflict, right?

pretty sure sneaky has the word sneaky in his name for a reason.

and you don’t think Venezuela would turn into a asymmetrical conflict?

has a south american conflict ever ended easily?

well they have been in a civil war since the 60’s they better be good at it by now.

Why can’t this be the war we all agree we don’t need a damn thing to do with?

The toilets don’t even flush the right way down there. No thanks. Hard Pass. Donde esta la bote

We got a president talking ■■■■ about the usefullness of NATO and the UN, but then whisper screaming about adventures in South America? Wut?

If overthrowing a South American military state was so easy

ten char

oil and other natural resources.

I love how we are sitting around jesting about how easy overthrowing a government would be not like it would take blood and gold.

Trump’s incapable of playing the grand chess game. He’s much more short sighted than that. He’s being led by whatever the Fox n Friends have to say, so maybe we should be more interested in why Rupert Murdoch & Co are so invested in regime change. Did they nationalize one of his stations or something?