The farcical notion that big government libs are going to create a Scandinavian style utopia that will make life better for most Americans

Populism used to be bad.

This is why

Move to Norway.

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There’s numerous others:

(Not everything is related to lib politicians and policies - like earthquakes.)

So, government should seize control of the oil companies? I thought the goal was to put them all out of business and go green? Speaking of green, have you seen how QCLN and ICLN have been doing?

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The Left has this fantasy that we can create a cradle to grave social safety net for everyone curretly here and the tens of millions of more people who they will let cross our border over the Harris presidency. Free stuff for all the world who can get here!

Norway did not seize the company…since the oil is in Norway, the people in Norway benefit from the wealth the oil provides, and a for profit company does the the work. Win/Win.

If we get four more years of the Harris/Biden open border we will be spending more on phony asylum seekers and illegal immigrants that we do on the military:

Also there’s no way it works without substantially impacting the middleclass:

It’s a political impossibility that middle- and lower-earning American families would accept tax rates anywhere close to these Nordic levels. And it is a mathematical impossibility for America to finance a Nordic system on the backs of the rich, as some U.S. politicians claim to want. Even assessing 100 percent tax rates on all income over $500,000 would raise just 5 percent of GDP, assuming (generously) that affected families continued working and investing essentially for free. Even seizing and liquidating every dollar of billionaire wealth—every business, investment, home, and asset—would finance the federal government one time for only about eight months (while draining the stock market and thus nearly every 401(k)).

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If this trend continues the military should continue to shrink substantially every year:

A lot of that is because they keep focusing on useless toys like the Sentinel program instead of the important stuff like Force retention and training.

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A for profit company which is 67% owned by the government. This means the board is controlled by the government. Essentially it is a front.


It’s a shame that as time has gone by, the average American has forgotten the economic basis of what this nation is all about. It’s capitalism.

Each of us get the chance to build our own sandbox. Now…how do you want it to be? Some take more effort to build but…are you willing to make the necessary sacrifices to build it? The government can not do it for you. Only you can do it but…are you willing?

Did you go to school? Did you give your best efforts? Did you begin a career? Did you put in the time to learn the profession? Are you good at it? Are you better than most?

Did you get married? Are you faithful? Did you have children? Are you placing them first…making sure they have food, clothes, an education and a fulfillment in life…before you purchased your wants?

This is just the tip of the iceberg of personal sacrifices that are necessary to create your Eutopia but…are you willing to make them is the true question in life?


They already did it in CA.
People are leaving the commy state.

People are leaving CA…that’s how.

Nordic geography is rather mountainous.

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I just heard on the radio that the Navy is having to leave 17 support ships docked because of lack of manpower.

Trump has promised to hire back the 8000 members of the military that Biden fired for refusing to take the covid vaccine with an apology and back pay.

He also promised to do away with some of the lib wokeness going on in the military currently.

That in itself would help recruiting imo.

Getting Biden and Harris out of office should help as well.


Our big government libs have no interest in a Scandinavian socialistic country anyway.

They want Venezuela!

They crave that level of authoritarianism.


The support ships in question are operated by the Military Sealift Command and are crewed by civilian mariners not active duty personnel.



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I view the problems we have as much more fundamental than what we spend on the military. Personally, I’m with you on reducing military spending. I mean how are Americans better off for all the blood we spilled in the numerous wars we engaged in over the past 20-30 years. Here’s the thing though, even if we totally eliminated our military that would only reduce our deficit in half. The thing that many progs don’t acknowledge is that we already have a massive welfare state that we are funding.


Oh there’s no putting this horse back in the barn in terms of our debt and deficit. The chance to turn that around ended in the 90s.

Only thing we can do now is continue building this house of playing cards and pray to whatever God each person believes in that a strong gust of wind doesn’t blow it completely over.

Well, that’s not good. It won’t work without people.