The farcical notion that big government libs are going to create a Scandinavian style utopia that will make life better for most Americans

Nothing like cutting back on logistics ships and sealift to improve naval combat readiness.

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Certainly one could ask the Imperial Japanese Navy how that usually turns out.

At least they had the excuse that we sank theirs.

They helped it along by not prioritizing their merchant fleet and never using convoys. It was a turkey shoot for Gato class submariners even with our really crappy torpedos.

The problem with military spending is not soldiers, it’s toys. They will spend more, not less.

:rofl: It’s like they don’t know.

It’s for our own good.


Can’t fly the planes (or play with the toys) if there’s nobody to fix them. Officers don’t get their hands dirty.

In the end it’s about the numbers, that is unless one believes that we can infinitely deficit spend. In the past two years, with purportedly one of the greatest economies ever, we’ve been running two trillion-dollar deficits during that time. I do agree that we can do it, how that would look remains to be seen, but I don’t believe for one minute that it gets done without substantial taxes on the middleclass.


Because this idea that the US CAN GIVE FREE STUFF TO ALL THE WORLD that enters our country is insanity:

We are all just too stupid to understand that. :joy:

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I don’t even like Scandinavian style socialism much less the Venezuela style that dem leaders actually prefer.

When you examine it, the lion’s share of the returns from the oil sales pours directly into their treasury, then the portion that goes to the other share holders is taxed, with that also coming back to the treasury. Their government is taking 80%+ of the return from selling the oil and gas. And those sales are primarily exports, thus foreign buyers are the source of a significant portion of the funds from this that go into the treasury to fund their welfare state.

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Very informative read. This caught my eye:

From a U.S. perspective, this means that all income over $82,000 (1.3 times the average U.S. income of about $63,000) would be taxed at 55.9 percent.


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…plus sales taxes on anything you purchase, additional gas tax, property tax, city tax…etc, etc

The wonderful thing about being in these positions of power is that they don’t live under the same conditions or feel the consequences of the policies they put in place as the “little people” do. Socicialism is for people not the socialist.


As you all can clearly see, this whole fantasy about emulating these tiny nobody countries is nothing more than a tool to distract the envious and retarded among us. :wink:


Problem is that number is growing quite high and they’re letting in millions of new ones each year.


They promise Denmark, but they’ll deliver Cuba.


None of it is by accident or incompetence. It’s all on purpose. :man_shrugging: