There are those here who get extremely giddy about Democrat politicians and more so about all their policies yet what do we see in the most liberal state, the wealthiest state, and also not majority white (less than 35% of CA is white):
I’m honestly not sure what you’re getting at. No political party or philosophy has the answers to all of humanity’s problems. That’s why rabid partisanship is poison.
There are those that believe that if Dems had absolute power that everyone would be much better off, which is essentially the case in CA. Why isn’t it working?
I don’t get it? All we hear about from forum libs is how great these lib politicians are and that the best thing all of us can do is put them in power and then let the magic happen. One would assume the that the lib mecca of the country CA would be a place everyone would want to go to and never leave. But then I see things like this:
California’s Legislative Analyst’s Office says the state lost approximately $2.3 billion in state personal income taxes due to outmigration in the 2022-2023 fiscal year. With Newsom claiming the state’s population grew in 2023, the net decrease in taxpayers and taxpayer dependents for fiscal year 2022-2023 suggests California could be losing productive individuals and their families as it gains non-tax-filers.
So, it would seem the Dem vision for America is to tax the rich so they leave and import poverty by the millions and that will make everyone’s life better.
What’s not to like? Millions of migrants, really high inflation, and high gas prices for the foreseeable future because Dems don’t like low gas prices. They want you in EVs. Net zero is the goal. That goal doesn’t stop at EVs either. These last 4 years have been the best since Jimmy Carter and his happiness index.