The Failing State

No my friend but keeping good workers requires good pay. The fact you said what you did shows how lost in this area you truly are.


I’d welcome a staff shortage at the local level, including firing teachers and administrators who refuse vaccination.

It’s far worse at the high school level than any level—elementary or middle school—where my daughter has been a student.

We have administrators who offer the same punishment for being a few minutes late for class as is offered for actually vandalizing the building.

A student was, shall we say, fondling himself IN CLASS, while watching images on his phone, and the teacher did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. When a student, who was uncomfortable, took a video to report, SHE was accused of child pornography.

Just, what? The student in question is 17. He could walk right next door to city hall, apply for a marriage license with a woman or another man & get it. He’s no child.

That student’s father raised Cain with that administrator. In health class—just what sort of a dumb ass requirement is “health”, anyway?—students are now SERIOUSLY expected to remember all of these genders and their flags that have popped up overnight.

Some of what’s taught there, like about pregnancy and STDs, could easily be incorporated into year one of biology. Excuse me if I’m just not in mourning about less staff due to vax mandates & other issues.

Maybe conservatives are right and it’s time to start at least offering private school tuition vouchers.

Having once worked for a company that offered raises to retain staff, the success rate for reducing attrition was zero.

There’s more to attrition than wages—for example, much of the work of that unit is odd hours. Throwing more money at problems doesn’t always offer the hoped for solution.

Most likely the Indian teachers would see some of the nonsense that has taken on a life of its own in our schools & head back home.

I’m seriously starting to believe public schools are last resorts for incompetent white women who would normally be unemployable.

And, having volunteered at the elementary level, I’m not referring to teachers, but administrators.

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IMO…that would be a big step in the right direction.


I very much agree with this.