The Failing State

In a statement to Fox News, a spokesperson for the Department of Education said they are, “fully committed to providing the necessary resources to keep schools open for full-time, in-person learning. As we recover from the pandemic, effectively recruiting and retaining critical staff including teachers, paraprofessionals, mental health professionals, substitutes, school bus drivers, and school social workers is essential to supporting student success, engaging parents and families, and growing our economy.”

The department wrote that mitigating strategies include, “include increasing wages, offering hiring bonuses for teachers and support staff, and providing permanent salary increases or premium pay,” adding that the Treasury has issues a resource clarifying that many retirees, or those soon-eligible for retirement are now able to work in classrooms while still receiving their pensions. The statement continued with a pledge to provide assistance to school districts to help them understand how to fully utilize the American Rescue Plan and previous relief funding to “attract staff and stabilize their workforce.”

Is this the same group of people who had to be told to stop posting beach pictures while they were supposed to be too scared to work?

Throw money at it. Drive taxes up even more.


The Great Resignation.

What are they living on?

Police walking off the job. Thousands of Marines getting out because of the vaccine mandate.

Just one fail after another.


In my opinion teachers are not compensated at a rate that will attract the best of the best and this area is an area where the very best today teaching our children, will pay big dividends tomorrow with educated adults. That’s only half of the equation for our national success though. The other half are the parents and “we” are failing miserably in that area.


My friend was telling me about teachers who filed medical exemptions so that they would not have to go into the school physically but were seen out shopping, dining, etc.

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And before anybody starts;

66.1% women, 28.6% men. Might have something to do with it.

White - 74.0%
Latino - 11.2%
Black - 9.5%


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They aren’t going to fire the unvaccinated TSA workers.


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t

“We had massive teacher and staff shortage prior to (the) pandemic, and while the pandemic may have escalated those numbers, we are seeing what we’ve never seen before,” Spar said.

He said data compiled by the FEA reveals the crippling effect the pandemic has had on school staffing, contributing even more to shortages school districts have faced since 2016.

“We started this school year with just under 5,000 vacancies among our teachers,” Spar continued. “We’re now closing in on about 5,100.”

To compare, the FEA only saw around 1,370 vacancies by the end of the school year in 2016.

He added schools are also having trouble finding substitutes due to the increasing stress and pressure of being a school employee during the pandemic, a job made worse by the politics and division exhibited in school boards across the state.

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If you’re not happy with pay, stress, vax mandate, or harassment, quit your job. Do something that makes you happy.

People are resourceful. They’ll find way to survive.




The job market is extremely hot right now. You can switch jobs and get a 15% to 20% pay raise if you have talent.

Things are actually going pretty good right now. Especially around me.

I honestly thought I was topped out in my salary. The offers I’m getting from headhunters are insane. :money_mouth_face:

Good is bad, bad is good. If it moves, tax it till it stops. If it stops, give it grants & funding. The way socialists run a country.

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I wonder what teachers would do if they started importing in teachers from India by the tens of thousands willing to work for $20,000 a year like they do in many of the engineering professions. We might hear about the problem then.


Nah, now lawyers, that would end it.

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That would be icing on the cake, add journalists to the list.


All we need to do is get teacher credits to our new Central America fence jumpers.

That can happen.


It will be interesting to find out whether the mandate has effected recruiting.


That’s some very small thinking ya got goin on there. Maybe you think along the lines of surviving but my answer was to induce long term thriving for our nation through an excellent education…and that begins with hiring the best teachers.

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Another example of a failed state, a so-called “Nation of Laws”. We can see the results of “bail reform” being pushed by the left and executed by their District Attorneys.

What benefit do they gain by leaving criminals on the street while waiting trial - over and over again? How do they profit from the chaos?

And it’s not an accident.

It is strategic.