The Elder Experiment

It appears likely that Elder is going to become California’s next Governor and I personally hope he does. It will be interesting to see if a Republican can tackle the state’s problems with solutions that work or if it ends up neing a reboot to the Terminator debacle.

In honor of the end of single party in California I feel there should be thread dedicated to the accomplishments and failures of the state’s next chief executive.


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Not expecting to see any miracles but can he make it worse than under Newsome? Doubt it.

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We’ll see

I think Newsom doesn’t get recalled


If he tries to pull anything socially conservative he’s done and not a thing gets done. If he sticks to fiscal conservatism he has half a chance.

No, it isn’t likely .

I agree. I don’t see it happening.

I think a loss in this is going to set Republicans in California back and really hurt their chances in the Gubernatorial race next year. Too many Trump sycophants behind this recall.

What’s the same voter in that poll? Every “exit.poll” that I’ve seen on the local news has the Yes ahead

I’m confused. How can you have exit polls if election hasn’t yet happened ?

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And its entirely anecdotal but the “Yes” voters I personally know are a lot more motivated. I have friends on both sides of the aisle that don’t lIke him. I’m actually not a fan either but I also didn’t see 1 candidate Iiked better

It’s 100% mail-in. Of the people polled that indicated they already voted the “Yes” motion is leading.

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There was a lead in enthusiasm by yes voters, but no voters are becoming more motivated as they become aware of the recall.

He won’t be re-called…the state will see too it.


I guess it’s possible then

All register voters got mailed a ballot, but you do have the option to go to your local polling place on election day and drop it off. Just as in the general last year, there will probably be a higher percentage of reps than dems voting on election day.

The key is what Democrats vote. If the trend of the Bay having the highest rate of voting sticks (1st I heard of that) then yes he stays.

Well, apparently they really like the way Newsome runs the state, so let them keep him.

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I don’t. But I also don’t think a recall is a smart move this close to gubernatorial primaries. I’d rather see Republicans put their effort and money behind that.

Why didn’t the state see to it that there was no recall election in the first place?

I also live in San Diego which is heavily Republican so my news isn’t exactly the same as the rest of the state. The article linked earlier was the first I saw about the Bay having the highest rate of return. He’s strong there