The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans IS

Who decides?

Good post.

Impeachable. But not treason.

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Only asylum seekers who have requested asylum at all the countries between their homeland and the US first though, right? Asylum seekers have to apply at a neighbouring country to their own, right?.

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Probably the application should be in the first country one sets foot in upon exiting their home country. Leave by foot, or ground transportation, it is the first nation you cross into from your home nation. Leave by ship, or airplane, it is the first port of call for the ship or plane. Everyone at our Southern Border set foot in another country first.

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Your response applies laws as you choose and disobeys them as you choose. The agreement was made in Congress but our laws are not being enforced. The Constitution dictates the President is to stop an invasion of our country and he is choosing not to do so. When something of this magnitude, is this catastrophic to our nation, his actions are much worse than;



Right. That was official Biden administration policy in the so called asylum ban from 2023. You may recall that the administration set up an apply in advance program by which migrants applied by phone app before arriving at the border, and denied asylum if that system wasn’t used. It was struck down last July by a judge in California with a National injunction.

Even the 5th Circuit has rejected TX position that illegal immigration is an invasion as that word is used in Article I, sec 10, cl. 3, and so Abbott;s justification for taking immigration enforcement into his own hands is unlawful. See US v. Abbott, Docket No. No. 23-50632.

LAWMAKERS WITH KIDS IN TECH FACE CONFLICT OF INTEREST CONCERNS: At least 17 members of Congress, including both Republicans and Democrats, have children who work or have recently worked for Google, Amazon, Meta or Apple, according to an analysis by Emily. It’s a number that could grow as the biggest tech companies become ever-larger employers, and as Congress inches closer to regulating tech.

Both of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s daughters work for the tech giants: Alison Schumer works as a privacy and politics product marketing manager at Facebook parent company Meta, while Jessica Schumer is a registered lobbyist for Amazon in New York state. The fate of the Senate’s antitrust bills targeting the tech industry comes down to Schumer, who will ultimately decide whether or not to bring them to the floor.

A spokesperson for Schumer said the senator is working with Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) on robust antitrust legislation that will hold tech companies accountable, but declined to comment on his daughters’ employment.

This article is from 2-22-22. Things might be different now.

Was it a unanimous decision by the 5th or did 33% disagree? Did the Supreme Court of Colorado determine that J6 was an insurrection so that it allowed them to remove Trump from the ballot? How can they determine that crime, if he was never convicted of it? Once again also, did all the Justices agree?

Now consider that during the Biden Administration…more illegals have crossed the border than the total population of the lowest 10 states combined. I don’t need some judge to determine whether or not this is an invasion when it’s blatantly obvious.

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When democrats want to prosecute Republicans, they’re on it. They don’t mess around. Lightning speed. When Republicans want to prosecute democrats, weeks turn into months, months turn into years. They go on TV and talk about it endlessly. Then it just peters out.


That is spot on correct!

Do you ever wonder why?

IMO…it’s because the political establishment is united on both sides of the aisle to keep us divided. It appears though that “we the people” are making progress. Ken Buck is leaving at the end of the year and he’s voted NOT to impeach Mayorkas. He’s outed himself as an establishment politician and there are many more just like him. Everyday, hard working Americans are beginning to open their eyes and see the media for the corrupt, weaponized political instrument they’ve evolved into that tell lie after lie. The truth is, if…you can handle the truth…Trump has done more to open the eyes of the common man than any politician.


That doesn’t actually answer the question. Do you ever wonder why the gop gets prosecuted quickly (which isn’t actually true or correct) and gop seems to sit on their hands when it comes to dems?

Oh as to your response Did everyday hard working Americans give two craps about the first Trump impeachment?

You are confusing wonks like us with every day hard working Americans

Please share…

I am on the front line…right along side every day hard working Americans.

I don’t know. I have my suspicions but it can’t be that dems are better than reps at criming. They are not. So why is it that republicans get prosecuted than democrats.

I’m neither an R or a D but my choices in life more closely align with Rs than Ds but that said, I dislike politics and federal politicians. It appears their motivation is to make $ under the table doing things for the donors and not mainly their constituents. I find nothing admirable about this. You would have a better view to answer this IMO than moi.

Again that’s admirable but doesn’t explain the underlying issue.

I am naive regarding it my friend. Again…I believe you have more insight regarding this than I.

Not in person.