The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans IS

…democrats want government to RULE over the people, tell them what they can or can’t do, make them obey… Republicans want the People to rule over the government, to limit their authority over the people, maximum freedom.

Not saying we should not have rule of law, but the government should be limited and final authority and most of the power to the people.

Free people run their own affairs, slaves and serfs are ruled and lorded over.

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I have this strange feeling that every last pol up in DC is completely disconnected from the populations they claim to represent. :man_shrugging:


Come on mate, your not that naive. Republicans have done nothing to limit government. All the politicans regardless of the letter after their name have their noses in the trough.

Republican or Democrat they dont give a flying ■■■■ about you, me or anyone else. All they want to do is get re-elected and stay on the gravy train.

All this left/right garbage from both sides is just to keep the electorate distracted so they can carry on getting rich and building their power bases.


It always seems repugs give government more power and libs always seem to wield that power repugs gave em.

That’s what I’ve been seeing.


Not much. They’re both scumbags.


I’ll agree with this caveat: Replace the word republicans with Neocon republicans. I am kinda’ sick of the parties. I wish there was none. Too much tribalism.


Imagine republicans and democrats, conservatives and liberals joining together to elect those worthy to to be leaders. But it’s a lot more beneficial for them to keep us fighting. Easier for incompetence to win elections that way. Just keep We The People fighting with one another so we don’t open our eyes and see what’s really going on.


I am neither an R or a D but IMO the main difference as I see it is that it is the responsibility of the President of the United States to protect this country from invasion as mandated in our Constitution. This turd is purposefully doing the opposite and promoting this invasion. That’s treason…pure, plain and simple. I do not support this traitorous activity nor the person responsible. Anyone that does stands against the very existence of this nation and it really is that serious now. Where do you stand?

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Political perspectives vary, but finding a balance between government authority and individual freedoms is crucial for a healthy society. The debate between Democrats and Republicans often revolves around the extent of governance, emphasizing the importance of constructive dialogue to shape policies that serve the common good.

Democrats generally favor a larger government role in addressing social and economic issues, while Republicans advocate for limited government intervention, emphasizing individual liberties and free-market principles.


both the democrats and republicans are hand feeding us ■■■■ candidates for president and telling us they are great.


Rand Paul and maybe Fetterman.


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Its a short list. Fetterman is only dimly aware of his surroundings on any given day. He is smart enough to know that picking on Jews isn’t cool and that our border is compromised.


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Which makes him their best and brightest.


“I cant stand tribalism” he says while also saying that anyone who disagrees with his political views is an evil communist.


The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans IS
The fantasies they believe in, the reinforcing lies they tell themselves to keep the fantasy alive and the self imposed myopia to keep alternate info from being seen.

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Where is that line in your opinion?

Treason = Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

Invasion does not encompass immigration. Padavan v. United States, 82 F.3d 23 (“In order for a state to be afforded the protections of the Invasion Clause, it must be exposed to armed hostility from another political entity, such as another state or foreign country that is intending to overthrow the state’s government.”) California v. United States, 104 F.3d 1086 (“California ignores the conclusion set forth by our Founders. In The Federalist No. 43, James Madison referred to the Invasion Clause as affording protection in situations wherein a state is exposed to armed hostility from another political entity.”); New Jersey v. United States, 91 F.3d 463 (New Jersey “offers no support whatsoever for application of the Invasion Clause to this case or for its reading of the term “invasion” to mean anything other than a military invasion”).

An incursion is only an invasion when under force of arms. In Madison’s discussion in Federalist 44, he emphasizes that states require “protection against invasion” by both “foreign hostility” and potentially even aggressive fellow states of the union. Throughout Federalist 44, he speaks of both invasion and insurrectionary “domestic violence” as “bloody” events involving “military talents and experience” and “an appeal to the sword.”

So the end result is that immigration, whether labeled as a crisis or whatever, is not under force of arms and is therefore not an “invasion” that would allow the States to act at all when the Federal government is available to enforce the exclusive Federal power over immigration. No one is giving aid and comfort to an enemy, because there is no enemy taking up arms. The reason why “treason” is so limited under Article III is to foreclose the very argument you are making.

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Thank you for the effort made in this post.

What Biden is doing is betraying his sworn oath of office. He is purposefully not doing his prescribed Constitutional duties. 10 million have crossed on his term. 736 people on the terrorist watchlist were caught in 2023 alone. Now consider how many that weren’t? Our veterans are being denied healthcare because illegals are going to our veterans hospitals. This country is in a peril that I label his actions as treasonous. Applying your legal skills, please tell me how you would label his actions?