The Democrats Want A Failing Economy

You honestly believe no worker in America got a bonus from 2009-2017?


Well…they have gotten quite a bit of experience now cleaning up after GOP messes…

That vid is funny as hell. :rofl:

There has been 0 real wage growth from June 2017 to 2018. Damn facts.


Rustbelt Democrats in Michigan and Pennsylvania voting for Trump is the main reason how we got him as President.

By those metrics, Trump would add as much debt in 4 years as Obama did in 8.

Unless corporate tax receipts start to increase dramatically, we are going to see the deft increase quickly.

That’s weird. I’ve been around these forums for about 5 years now, and right-wingers have continually told us that the president doesn’t really have much of a direct impact on the economy, and they were unwilling to give Obama much credit. But we get it-Glorious Leader has sanctified the WH so now the president directly affects theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee economy.


Tax receipts are down, especially corporate tax receipts.
What happens when income declines and expenses continue to rise?

Obama was a radical LW ideologue. No sane conservative would want Obama to successfully transform the U.S. into his vision of a Liberal utopia. I certainly didn’t.

That doesn’t mean conservatives were hoping for economic collapse under Obama? :roll_eyes:

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I can’t keep arguing against a lack of hardly any common sense, and your willful blind ignorance.

For some reason I think that most Democrats on this website think that I’m like most Conservatives? or Republicans? If you haven’t already learned, that’s not thee case.

What my fellow Conservatives supposedly said, they supposedly said, but I would never say any President, negative or positive, Republican or Democrat, wouldn’t have a huge influence over thee Economy. Maybe you should be around the forums for a couple of more years to gain more knowledge. Add some common sense to that, use more logic, and then come back to me, and we can go from there.

Thing is he never tried doing that.

Yes it does.

Do you have liberal statistics to prove this?
Thee same statistics that said that Trump had no chance against his Republican counterparts, and thee same Statistics that said Trump had no chance against Hillary? Maybe you should be reading other sort of statistics, and listen to other news than the Liberal media you’ve been forced fed?

What bonuses? I work for a large corporation of about 90K and was specifically told that employees would not be getting a bonus.

Lord knows we Democrats has to listen to you Republicans piss and moan and cry and snivel and throw childish temper tantrums for 8 years under Obama.

Which libs? All libs? Some libs? 2 libs?

So Republicans were cheering during Obama’s early years when the economy was bad?