The Democrats are After the Middle Class for Higher Taxes, not the Rich

Government has done nothing but grow. I was reading something the other day that said something like 9 million employees…the fed Gov is the largest single employer in this country.

I ve read in this thread that the irs is understaffed. No it’s not.

74000 + employees according to an agency overview coming from a Google search…yet we are told they need more?

There are 50 states in this country…why are we duplicating their tax collection efforts with a fat bloated federal agency with a budget in the billions. I’ve always thought the states could collect federal taxes keep the states money in the state closest to the people and send the feds their share, for example.

9 million people work for the feds…when federal agencies get that big fat and bloated they just become self sustaining…their purpose becomes their own growth not quality service to the tax payers…

I know you will disagree with everything I just said but we have decades of evidence that the endless growth of government is not the way to make it better, it’s just the way to give government more authority over our lives.


More government is never better government. Weird that anyone would argue that. :crazy_face:


I don’t know if they’ve altered the plan in some negotiation over the last couple of days…but the idea from back in May was 87000 new IRS employees…doubling the size of the largest collection agency in the world.

Doubling the size of the IRS…

The same government that has erased our southern border and left our agents who are supposed to be defending our security hopelessly overwhelmed and demoralized wants to double the size of the boot on the neck of American taxpayers so it can make sure we are all “compliant”!

There’s a lot wrong with this picture.


Makes perfect sense.


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More of the same. The same bad.

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There’s a bottom line to me on this whole push the socialists on the left are up to right now.

The same people who created a disaster at the southern border…
The same people who gave us the Afghanistan debacle…
The same people who’ve given us 5% inflation…
The same people dismantling our energy independence…
The same people trying to indoctrinate your kids with Critical Race Theory…

(I could go on but you get the idea)…

Those people now want to double the size of the IRS so you will “comply” with all their dictates while they lobby for $3.5 trillion of your money (which it sounds like is more like $5 trillion) that you and I don’t have (which they are blatantly lying about ‘this plan will cost zero dollars’. Anyone who believes that is stupid.)…

In short…a bunch if dim witted lying socialists who’ve screwed up everything they’ve touched since January 20, 2021 (actually a tragic day), now want trillions of dollars more of our money???

No. Hell No!

If you really want to screw things up just put a bunch of liberals in charge.


I find it funny that a year ago, exploding deficits were no problem.

There were calls to expand the Federal Workforce when it comes to the Border.

But when there is a push to correct the underfunding of tax enforcement… TYRANNY!!! SOCIALISM!!!

I think that it is more “I have been conditioned to believe that this will negatively effect me personally” and that is the true objection.


Giant steps toward becoming Venezuela.


But we want Norway!


They don’t know what they would get. The AOC crowd seems to be more inclined toward Venezuela.

I wouldn’t even want Norway myself. I look at them as a high taxed welfare state.


Someday it would be nice if the Democrats who haven’t sold their souls to the socialists would tell the AOC crowd to go pound sand.

As despicable as the sisters of Satan are I remain hopeful that they are nothing more than a very vocal minority and that there actually is some common sense left on the left.

Maybe I m giving them too much credit!


Norway doesn’t have the Caribbean or Latin America on their doorstep rapidly inflating the numbers that need/want government benefits.


Doubling down on the Republican memes doesn’t make it real.


What Republican memes are you talking about?

The proposal is to double the size if the Internal Revenue Service while at the same time drastically Increasing the amount of our personal information our banks will be responsible to provide without our consent.

That’s not a meme it’s fact. Personally for all the reasons expressed above I find all of this completely unacceptable.


Giving government more control is a prog fact, not a republican meme.


That’s a huge point. Plus they are a tiny country compared to us.

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When you double the size of an already massive bureaucratic agency and basically tell those bureaucrats everybody is a cheater go get em…

You give said bureaucrats an enormous amount of power.


Start at the beginning of the portion I quoted and then end at the end.

Y’all believe anything. Sometimes because you fell for it, usually because you want to.

If my county hired more road crews to fix more roads have I become more oppressed? Am I now a slave to smooth roads?