Step one in addressing the illegal immigrant problem is NOT assuming everyone who comes to the U.S illegally is a gang member, dreg on society, or a free cheese sycophant.
Step two is allowing them due process in accordance with established law to ascertain why they have come, why they are here. And what if anything we can do to help them as decent and humane people. If we cant or choose not too, send them back.
What none of this process entails is treating them like the Taliban and shooting them on site or otherwise labeling them as murders, Gandhi members,et all, until we can positively affirm they are.
For a group of people so ardently bent on saying they are pro constitution, it’s amazing how quickly they are willing to forgo that process because the Heir Orangeness has riled them into a frothy mouth frenzy and spooked them into invasion mentality.
I take it you are overjoyed with the ongoing invasion.
I never thought I’d live to see the day when so many living in the United States would take great joy in seeing and encouraging the borders of the United States to be invaded by the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled and criminal populations of other countries, while American Citizens suffer the devastating consequences of such an invasion.
Perhaps, many of those who participate in this activity are not American citizens, but are part of a paid Fifth Column movement determined to destroy America from within.
There is no surer way to weaken, destroy and subjugate a prosperous and freedom loving people than by importing the world’s poverty stricken and criminal populations into their country and making the country’s existing citizens tax-slaves to support the economic needs of such an invasion.
I take it you are overjoyed that you continue to support Donald and the GOP when for two years of complete control of the federal government they’ve done nothing to stop the ongoing invasion.
Does cut and paste help with the sting of that, as the invasion continues to pour across our border unchecked?
I have never supported open border globalists in Congress. As to President Trump, I do support his efforts to actually stop the invasion at our southern border.
Does it bother you that the hundreds of rock and bottle throwing “peaceful” foreigners attempting to storm our border yesterday were actually repelled with pepper spray and force?
President Trump, by the terms of our Constitution, is empowered “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”.
What efforts? Talking about a wall? Sending troops and then dismissing them? He’s had two years of a Republican Congress to make good on his lofty promises. What has he accomplished?
You apparently have not been paying attention to the news during the past couple of weeks.
If the Democrat Party Leadership was sincere about wanting to reduce healthcare costs for American citizens, why are they not on board with stopping illegal immigration which is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone?
Getting back to the subject of the thread and the Democrat Party Leadership lying about wanting to reduce health care costs ___ how much could American taxpayers save if those who storm our borders didn’t receive taxpayers financed health care? Over $18 BILLION a year!
Build the freaken wall!
American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.