The debate moment that caused Kamala Harris to drop out last time

Kamala Harris ran for president before.

She ran for the 2020 nomination and was thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly trounced. the Dems hated her.

Legend has it, the 51 seconds of video below (from a debate) is what ruined her. Tulsi Gabbard makes some charges, if they are true, then Harris is a disgusting person who should be disbarred and my sincerest kudos to the Dems for kicking her out of the race last time around.,

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If these accusations are true (and I assume they are)
then Kamala Harris is a terrible vile person and does not have the moral rectitude to be a school teacher. I am not even sure she is decent and honest enough to be a McDonald’s cashier.

These are terrible terrible things she is accused of, and that is compounded by the fact that she sold out so cheaply. Neither she personally nor her office stood to gain very much by committing these heinous and anti-democratic acts. These are human rights atrocities.

Gitmo was nothing by comparison.

she’s pathetic.

but again, democrats dont care about the candidate. they literally have no mind of their own.


…but…it’s not a vote for Harris…it’s a vote against Trump.

How’d I do for your excuse libs? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


(and I assume they are)

Mostly somewhat true reshaped to be better attacks.


It is a vote for someone who illegally or unethically puts people in jail and keeps people in jail to secure for herself and her office, the tiniest amount of political gain. It is positively atrocious behavior!


Libs jailing people for political gain? Say it ain’t so…


Her very name, literally means Horrible. :rofl:

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If a couple being outright false, one being somewhat true and the other being mostly true is what you mean “mostly somewhat true”, then Okee dokee.

It’s a sliding scale.


All politicians are slimy…:rofl:

So the last administration was a pairing of poor debate skills and fear and loathing of the public event.

That sounds about right.



Why the â– â– â– â–  not.


I’m curious how many people, who were bailed out by groups like the one Kamala Harris supported, ended up being convicted of their crime or were Re-Arrested for other crimes.


Probably 80-90%.

It was all good until Biden got the Free Palestine treatment.

The rabid dogs turned on them.


It appears that part of Tulsi Gabbard’s comments need clarification.
In 2017, and again in 2019, etc. Kamala Harris has spoken, tweeted and written in favor of our new “bail reform” which sets up a two-tiered justice system and no-cash bails.

Tulsi Gabbard was apparently incorrect and accused Harris of the opposite.
Gabbard accused Harris of supporting a “racist” system, in fact Kamal Harris is part of the belief If the cops catch someone, and they are poor, let them go free and do whatever they want until trial.

As for the allegation “kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California.” Your link says that it happened. it happened on her watch and it happened in her office . . . but she blames a junior associate and after she got caught she told him to stop doing it. (Phew.)

Harris has/had proposed a 35% corporate tax rate, higher than OBiden’s 28% rate.,for%20candidates%20or%20political%20causes.
This is leftist lunacy.


There is a big difference now that she is running against Trump. Dems will all be on her side. If they determine she doesn’t have a path to victory, they’ll try to get her to voluntarily drop out as well. It has to be voluntary. If she refuses, she should have someone tasting her food before she eats it. I doubt she’s at the top of the ticket when it’s all said and done.


It found lawyers in then AG Harris’ office argued in 2014 that, despite court orders to reduce state prison crowding, some non-violent offenders needed to stay in the prison system to help combat wildfires. It does not detail how many prisoners, if any, ended up staying longer than required.

A spokesperson for Harris was quoted in the article saying, “Senator Harris was shocked and troubled by the use of this argument. She looked into it and directed the department’s attorneys not to make that argument again.”

Not exactly. Maybe.

So . . . she did it.
It happened in her office on her watch.

Her defense:
After she got caught, she acted shocked, blamed the little guy and told him “Don’t do it again.”

For Tulsi’s attack to be true you’d at least have to prove that people were kept past their sentences for work reasons and not that it was argued by lawyers in her office. That ignores it was an argument against a court order to reduce prison crowding, is that the same thing as keeping people in prison past their sentences or an argument against early release?

Not to say I agree with the argument, it’s awful. The whole “Copmala” nickname is there for a reason.