The debate moment that caused Kamala Harris to drop out last time

If you want me to cut her a break I’ll cut her a break on the marijuana incarcerations.

Prosecutors are not supposed to choose which laws to enforce and which ones not to. Lines such as “She was wearing are dress so she was asking to be raped,” or “He’s just an illegal immigrant trying to steal a job” should never be an operating mandate in a prosecutor’s office.

But keeping people in jail because there might be another wildfire soon, and we need the cheap labor, is a heinous injustice. It’s ghoulish.

Bail reform is a bipartisan issue. At least it was back in 2018.

Middle-class folks have to put up their house but po’ folk get to run around free was never equal justice under law.

The very serious number of crimes committed by people released this way has made it very unpopular among anyone who take rape, robbery, murder etc. seriously.

Should freedom before trial be based on how much one can pay?

Bail is not income taxes it should not be a sliding scale
“Oh you’re a teacher . . . your bail’s gonna be super big. Oh you’re an illegal well here is your get outta jail free card” is not equal justice.

That whacky mentality ceates more crime, not equal justice.


That isn’t the question that I asked.

Should imprisonment before the due process of a trial before guilt is established be determined by one’s ability to pay?

Nope. The crime (and the accused’s crime record, and the accused’s risk of flight) should be the determination of bail. The question should be blind to other factors.


But it isn’t blind.

If one can’t pay then they are imprisoned. If one can then they aren’t.

Even those hippies the Koch brothers understood this.

That’s not what blind means. In fact, insisting that it should be taken into account is the opposite of being blind to that factor.

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The point is that it can’t be blind.

The ability to pay is the factor in cash bail when it comes to imprisoning someone before their guilt has been established by due process.

It is a punishment based on being poor.

It’s not a punishment at all.

Once arrested, a person is held over pending trial unless and until he can post bond sufficient to ensure his return.

Caught-in-the-act Mugger: “Uh but I’m a poor illegal I can’t apay more than $10”
Kamala: “Well then, equal justice says we know for sure if we take your $10 as bail, you will return for it and will not commit another crime while you are out.”

Perhaps what you are missing is that there is no *legal right" to be out on bail.

It is actually.

It is detainment before the state has established guilt or innocence through due process.

If you can afford to pay a ransom you don’t have to be detained.

If you can’t afford to pay a ransom you are.

It’s kind of weird that conservatives would allow the State to forcibly detain someone for an indefinite period of time without the due process of a trial based on ability to pay.

So we should imprison people before they are found guilty?

We hold charged and arraigned suspects, who have had a preliminary hearing, pending a full trial.

We are correct to do so.

Except when a person is extraordinarily wealthy (so a normal bail amount would not likely hold them), bail should not be reduced just because someone is unable to pay.

Bail is not welfare.

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Not mostly true but IMHO I would say more taken out of context or certain facts omitted to make for better attacks.

My opinion is that it should be. I’m not asking you to agree. I simply gave my opinion to the question you asked. My answer was NO. And I gave my reason.

Bail reform is aimed at misdemeanors and minor felonies - ie; not assault etc…

So two people are charged with a misdemeanor. One is rich, the other is poor. The rich person posts bail and is free until trial. The poor person has to stay in jail.

That’s what bail reform is trying to straighten out.

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So. . . you are opposed to Kamala?

This is one reason I did not support her in the primaries, yes.

In a choice between Harris and Trump, I’ll vote Harris.

I’ve yet to meet a candidate who was perfectly aligned with my complete politics. You?

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