The confederate flag. hatred not heritage

Why of course you should take your marching orders from the warlord of CHAZ Raz Simone, a nice guy from what I am hearing. As the previous poster that responded to you said they are just play casting good people no guns btw thats just right wing propaganda :thinking:

Why don’t we simply respect tradition? Tradition states that when you lose a war, your colors come down. That’s part of the deal. They don’t come down and go back up a few years later. The confederacy has been dead for generations. Put the stupid flag away.

Hang them on your front door as an experiment then. Both at the same time.

What would that prove? That they are racists? Do you believe they are?

One of Robert Byrd’s old ones? :thinking:

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That they are powerful symbols of racism and that you are in a small minority who says otherwise. They are more than pieces of cloth.

I didn’t say otherwise. Reread my posts.
I said they are not racists. Anyone who thinks they are needs to spend time in some place other than this forum. They need to be around people who are trained to help them.

all those quotes in the OP occured in the past. If you want to use those historical quotes, then it would seem to be intellectually honest to recognize that Democrats were the ones that held those views.

if your thread’s integrity lives by history then it can die by history.

If you respond with “oh things have changed” then I say so has the meaning of that flag.

The flag is like Obama coming from Rev. Wrights church of hate!

Why do people like to pick and choose who can and can’t be racist?