The Coming Anti-COVID Restriction Backlash

And not a peep from the left for his Commie award winning work in culling the elderly population by filling nursing homes with Covid patients…

“Just give us an inch!”



It was explained.

It is the most crowded and busiest time of the year (Outside St Pattys day) for Bars.

The argument that they will just have the same crowds at home is silly. There is a reason people go to bars.

I havent read the entire thread but the OP actually has a good point. There is a balance between doing what is in the best interest and how to get compliance.

I dont know how you balance that. Doing PR and hoping for voluntary compliance isn’t working in many places. so now what?

This is an effort to head off having to shut down bars and restaurants again in the wake of rising infection rates. It’s targeted and makes sense because as someone who actually has firsthand experience with this, people act the ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ fool on Thanksgiving eve.

Personally I find the idea of being laid off for another few months lonelier than not being able to get a beer between 7p-2a on one day.


People go to bars to be among other people. Say libs really think they can control human behavior.



It’s an exercise in obedient serfs. Obey… Obey… :wink:


Busier. At least here. St. Patrick’s Day is spread across across nineteen hours and is usually winding up by 9p because everyone is too drunk.

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Drinking at home makes you an alcoholic. The governor is not allowing them to mask their problem.

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Unless you’re a democrat politician. Amazing how they can flaunt their own restrictions with zero backlash.


Won’t quote the rest huh? Shocking.

You all are acting like the Governor is closing all bars for the next year. Jeez.

Closing bars 5 hours early 1 night of the year will reduce large crowds. That is obvious. no one is trying to change peoples behaviors. The are changing their plans for 1 night.

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You can still go out dude. You just can’t get a beer past 7pm. That’s it.

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And you’ll are acting like you can control human nature.

Not even closing them. Just suspending alcohol service. Food service continues uninterrupted. See how they’re gaslighting you though.

I’m not interested in your justifications on why you’re so obedient these days. I’m just pointing it out. :hugs:


Human nature is to be at a bar after 5pm on Thanksgiving eve?

Must be really odd for people in other countries to have the urge to get to a bar on a random Wed.

Whiskey causes 'Rona.

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And by that you mean I work in this business in this state and would face actual consequences like unemployment and financial ruin if the bars and restaurants are shut down entirely.

We already did this once. When they reopened the bars the first time, people acted so foolishly they had to be shut down again like three weeks later. Personally I can’t afford to have that happen again, but I have actual skin in the game.


ALcohoLic Lives Matter


Human nature to surround themselves around other people.

■■■■ it…wasting my time here.