The Collusion Delusion

Correct. They just created a whole communication plan around the release of the email. Had several meetings and comma with Russians and had the candidate flat out ask the Russia’s to “find Hilary’s email” which they attempted to do later that night.

But yes, they didn’t conspire.

How could they find Hillary’s emails that she deleted, mashed the hard drives and used bleach bit on? Seems you keep forgetting that Hillary broke the law.

Ask Trump. He was the one who asked for them.

You just defined collusion delusion because collusion is what they were both talking about. Whether you say you believe it or not (and I’m guessing you’ll won’t believe it and will still deny it) doesn’t change reality. Reality matters, as do facts.

Hard core Hillary supporters were always going to vote for Hillary- ALWAYS. Just as Hard core Trump supporters were ALWAYS going to vote for Trump, regardless of any information that came out about them. You know this is true. So ANY attempt to influence the election could only be aimed at undecideds. How many undecideds who were going to vote for Hillary, decided not to because of last minute reminders of the crimes she committed released by the Russians?

No, ask yourself why you are still using a talking point that has been proven to be false. There was no way for Russia or anyone to find Hillary’s email’s. She made sure of that.
Or is it that you only listen to the leftist media and don’t know that there was no way for Russia to find Hillary’s emails.

I agree. They could not find her deleted emails. So why did Trump ask? Does he not know that those emails are gone?

I would say that they had probably read her emails long before Trump was on the scene. So I doubt they even looked for her deleted emails.
But they could read you like a book and knew that all they had to do was attempt to hack Hillary again and you would go after the other side and created an even bigger divide.

The divide was trump cheering it and praising Putin, later siding with him over the intelligence community, turning the murder of journalists into a joke, not wanting to hear anything about Russia election meddling etc etc.

Wow. Just wow.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: you don’t accept Mueller’s word?

Trump’s not the one making the claim.

Same old LW talking points.

Get over it.

There was no collusion. geeze! :roll_eyes:

No collusion; no conspiracy; no obstruction.

Reality matters, as do facts. :wink:

To be fair, Trump asked Russia to help find the deleted emails.

It was very clear, he was being sarcastic. Tone of voice, body language and context of the remark…

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What is the collusion in this scenario? Receiving or looking at files is not illegal, and if he did turn it over to the FBI it wouldn’t be secret either. What type of agreement or promise is made or implied by receiving files? Is the info in the files true or made up slander? Does it pertain to national security or have details on a crime that was committed?

Do you guys ever think and apply any scrutiny to the charges you automatically levy against Trump?

If every single solitary one of those 30 thousand emails was about yoga and birthday parties, what exactly could the Russians have hacked that anyone should fuss about? Some dirt…

He is always joking… or we are to take him seriously but not literally or that he isn’t a politician… when he says something stupid.

Not “talking points” everything I said came directly out of the report. The same report you correctly quoted when pointing out there was no evidence of conspiracy.