The Collusion Delusion

So the Clintons received huge payments from Russians and others and it is ok because they didn’t hide them? But Trump is at fault because he wasn’t paid huge amounts from the Russians and didn’t report that he wasn’t getting them or something?

Sorry, I don’t get it.

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I can cite a constitutional amendment saying they have a right to listen to any foreign government. What do you have saying they can’t?
And if it says nothing incriminating about an opponent, then it definitely is not a thing of value to the campaign…though Mueller did raise as a question if speech was even intended to be covered by that statute.

You mean the dossier that was originated by the Republicans? And which has been largely substantiated?

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That will never become true by just repeating it. A Republican firm had hired the same firm to do opposition research but Steele was not hired and the dossier not involved until after the Democrats had taken over.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: did they confirm peepee?

That will be confirmed when Vlad decides to confirm it.

The Dems didn’t hire Steele, Fusion GPS did.

Mmmmm. That’s debatable. Madam Ohr.

At any rate he’s right. Steele wasn’t on the Free Beacon contract.

DNC/Hillary $$$$ > Chloe Elkins $$$> Fusion GPS $$> Steele$

That’s why they say “Follow the money”.

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Bingo! The MSM ranks some where below lawyers and used car salesmen for honesty these days.


That was his testimony.

Like the left do not turn in the CNN and MSNBC and a whole host of ours left wing sites and listen to left wing entertainers and consider them journalist.
Morning, noon and night the left hear these talking heads cut the corners of facts to fit them in round wholes. That is why there are layers and layers of misinformation now causing many in that leftist audience to be misinformed about what the truth is.
These leftist talking heads make millions a year telling the leftist what they want to hear facts be damned.
This is why this country is in the situation it is as far as political division. I’m not sure how we can ever rectify this problem because the left worship these leftist talking heads that tell them that the right is evil and must be destroyed.
God help us as a nation if the left does not learn how to lose gracefully.

No evidence of conspiracy.

Key is Trump nor anyone in his campaign was charged with conspiracy or obstruction. Case closed.

He actually said no such thing. Anyone can watch for themselves and see that you are simply making that up! :wink:


You must have missed this, peek. #factsmatter

STEPHANOPOULOS: Your campaign this time around, if foreigners, if Russia, if China, if someone else offers you information on opponents, should they accept it or should they call the FBI?

TRUMP: I think maybe you do both. I think you might want to listen, I don’t, there’s nothing wrong with listening. If somebody called from a country, Norway, “We have information on your opponent.” Oh, I think I’d want to hear it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You want that kind of interference in our elections?

TRUMP: It’s not an interference, they have information. I think I’d take it. If I thought there was something wrong, I’d go maybe to the FBI. If I thought there was something wrong. But when somebody comes up with oppo research, right, that they come up with oppo research. Oh, let’s call the FBI. The FBI doesn’t have enough agents to take care of it, but you go and talk honestly to congressmen, they all do it, they always have. And that’s the way it is. It’s called oppo research.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Surprising. Thank you.

Here’s the full transcript.

Its ■■■■■■■ dumb…that’s what it is…beat you down with stupid.

That was Mueller’s finding. Don’t really care what DEM’s have to say. :wink:

Mueller said there was no evidence of conspiracy? Where?

Seriously? Do you think I’ve been living in a cave?

Collusion was never mentioned nor was it implied. #factsmatter

I thought you read Mueller’s report:

From his report.

The investigation did not identify evidence that any U.S. persons knowingly or intentionally coordinated with the IRA’s interference operation”

Couldn’t have been more clear.

No evidence of conspiracy.