The Censorship of Andrew Tate

He represents a big problem to the elites because he is a voice against the narrative pushed on the masses. The clip on Tucker Carlson shows just how big a problem someone like him can be. I’ve never seen any of the so-called “defending rape” videos or anything like that. He’s super rich, so he wasn’t worried about getting fired and could speak his mind on the modern state of affairs and the corruption of governments married to corporations. That’s why he was silenced.

Wait a minute is he the testicle tanning guy too? The one Tucker wanted to platform?

Aight :roll_eyes:

I actually know what Andrew Tate says. Would you like me to tell these people his opinions on women and feminism you agree with? Women should be treated like property? Hitting women to keep them in line being a positive thing?

I can keep going. I can get into his views on rape if you want. If he’s so smart and interesting, tell me to tell the folks what they are.

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How could you tell anyone which opinions on women and feminism I agree with?

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But that’s not what defines him.

The guy stated he wanted to move to Romania because Rape laws are “more lax in Eastern Europe.”

But for me I can’t get over his views on women as property.

He’s half black. His father was a black American, his mother is white British. He should know better than to think any human being can be considered property.

The dude is a nutcase. And we shouldn’t be defending him. He’s exactly what the left falsely claims all men are like. Why associate with that and prove them right?

I swear…something broke in people’s meters.

I get the reaction and pushback to wokeness…tie me down and tickle me and I will agree a lot of it is ridiculous.

But true dirtbags are going around saying absolute garbage and really psycho/sociopathic ■■■■■■■■ …but because they put the “anti-woke” banner on, people defend them.

And that’s ridiculous.

In a way, it’s actually wokeism on the right “We can’t call anything truly bad because that would restrict free speech”.

When some ■■■■ is objectively…or should be objectively…bad.

And this guy and his stuff are objectively bad.

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I agree. Tate is exactly what the far woke left claims all men are like.

We shouldn’t be defending him. The dude is a piece of garbage.

This interview explains exactly why he was completely de-platformed. All the other pearl clutching going on is the same as when the left called Jordan Peterson a nazi and when the establishment thought Julian Assange should have been immediately hanged.

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Does Tate claim to be a Christian?

Jordan Peterson is actually a decent human being. The left was being utterly ridiculous when they called him a Nazi.

Andrew Tate isn’t. There’s no comparison between the two. Jordan Peterson isn’t calling women property.

I’m shocked.

How would you know what @Liberty323 agrees with? Get control of yourself.

There is a big difference in calling something “bad” and censoring it.

No such thing.

The odd thing is, he seems to have plenty of women around.

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I would call them stupid women.

Plus he’s rich. You know how shallow some women are.

Well that wasn’t misogynistic…

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I’m not woke. I call it like it is.

Women can certainly be criticized for bad decision making. My main issue with feminism is that they try to turn legitimate criticism based solely on decisions into “that guy hates women.”

There’s a difference between what I said and what Tate has said. A huge difference.

One cannot claim to believe in freedom if one can’t even defend another’s right to their own retarded voice.

Freedom is messy.



Maybe those women love him.

What’s the huge difference?

It be like that sumtimes