The caravan! The caravan!

They are already in a country where the danger they claim in their own, is now gone. There is no grounds for claiming assylum in the US.

You are correct.

This is also an annual event.

I would prefer the issue not go silent.


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If anything, this is the genius of Fox and “fair and balanced” and giving “both sides of the news”.

There are no “both sides of the news”, and “fairness and balance” are terms that don’t even apply to news, they apply to opinion and commentary. The goal isn’t to give “both sides”, the goal is to be able to tell people what to think about the “news”.

That has infected the imagined “liberal media” (that is devoid of liberals or liberal issues) to the point where they’re all terrified of making factual conclusions or else be called “liberal”.

“Republicans say the moon is made of green cheese. Democrats disagree”.

Who’s correct? (shrug) “Not my job man, I’m just being fair and balanced”.

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You forgot to add, “In my opinion” to the start of that second sentence… They absolutely have ample legal grounds to claim asylum in the US…

10Lynyrd Skynyrd

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Which they’re always going to say anyway.

That is not how the law works… they can apply for asylum, period. It might effect the resulting decision, I don’t know, but they can and will apply…

Precisely. It’s almost as if process doesn’t matter to some. I’m perfectly fine with them applying, I’m also perfectly fine with them being denied on their application as it pertains to the normal way such applications are handled. Just saying we don’t want you here isn’t how these things are handled and certainly shouldn’t be.

Now that Trump’s caravan story has been shown to be a complete fabrication (and articles like the above do a good job in outlining that), I have just one question for you trumpletons: Do you feel good about having been completely emotionally manipulated by a con man?

thank you

i prefer the issue not go silent either

the caravan story was way better than the voter fraud story

lets finish what we started

will they make it or not

when they get here what will happen

lots of drama

Donald taught us long ago you don’t reveal your strategy to the enemy - that’s war craft 101.

Soon this diseased horde from the south will go the way of ISIS. Rejoice, Trump Nation! Our Benefactor and Dear Leader has all things well in hand.

33 hours before the midterms, 0, zilch, nada after the midterms.

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That is very interesting if true. Maybe not true, possible. Interesting.

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The woman would still be alive today if cons gave half a ■■■■ about gun control. When you have guns floating around all over the place, they’re going to get stolen (as happened here), and found by someone. Cons only give a ■■■■ when they’re found by an illegal alien, then it’s a big ■■■■■■■ deal. Otherwise: OH WELL, 2nD AMENDMENT RULZ!!!11!!

No time for that nonsense. Can;t climb a wall and fill out paperwork at the same time,

everyone knows those invaders put on fake beard and voted.

the wall that will never be built?

wall, fence, meh.

Let me know when they decide to follow the rules and come in legally and apply like libs have been insisting was going to happen when they got here.

better shoot them.

So all the assurances in the past few weeks they were going to do it right and apply for asylum were ■■■■■■■■■

News flash, we all knew that!!