The "cancel culture" eats its own

Genuinely loved it. However my street cred is compromised, my girlfriend works in theater so I’ve seen sooooo many shows in the last couple years. I’ve got season tickets to the ballet, God help me.

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Hey good for you, get some culture man.

It was just a little too rippity rap rappin for me.

Anybody that writes a Broadway musical largely themed around “The Ten Crack Commandments” musically gets the thumbs up from me. Plus I like that rappity-rap ■■■■■

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Oh I appreciate it and am glad it exists, I just couldn’t do 2 hours of it. Maybe I’ll try again. Maybe. The wife LOVED it.

Mine plays the cast album constantly. Her parents spent like half a G for her to see the touring show.

Actually, and I never thought I’d have the opportunity to bring this up on here, Miranda and Immortal Technique went to the same high school and their one interaction left Miranda upside down in a garbage can. Then Tech went on to make grimy revolutionary street music and Miranda went on to make Hamilton. Makes perfect sense.

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There is a difference between cancelling and boycotting.

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I’m so tired of these allusions to reeducation I almost wish you folks were sent to a FEMA camp so I wouldn’t have to hear about it anymore.

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Anybody that goes to a broadway musical, or any musical for that matter, keeps his cojones in his wife’s purse.

Coming to the theaters near you “the hunt”. Ok fine not the theaters ok fine 9 months later to streaming and all cuz some people read about a movie. Mhmm


Ooh manly.


Alright, Archie Bunker, keep telling yourself that. I happen to enjoy occasional highbrow culture.


Even the “Evil Dead” Musical?

Because that ■■■■ was awesome!

oh stop that’s bull.

broadway is mega - entertaining for most people, even the cro-magnon right

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Fine. My words. You would never admit it. You said “training session” and I saw the similarity with “struggle session” …similarity in the name, the purposes, and the method used to cancel those who do not bow to the left.

I see it as an extension of Capitalism.

People make a living selling their ideas. People don’t like those ideas they don’t buy them.

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It might as well be a blackface cakewalk.

Someone is quite the edgelord


The right used to love “the marketplace of ideas,” until people stopped buying their ideas.

I’ll bet you thought this was fiendishly clever as you typed it.

I admire live theater. You couldn’t last a week doing what a backstage tech does, let alone the talent.