The burbs are flipping blue

This is your warning. Take it.

“Wants to”. Words matter.

And he never said it had passed. Try responding to what is written, not what you fabricate instead.

They why have whole cities already done so and even NYC is seriously looking at cutting a huge swath out of the police budget and why are these proposals sweeping across the nation’s major cities?

Are all of them “extreme radicals”?

Secession was not treason, stop trying to rewrite history.

Yes and yes.

Dover just another burb in the country.


Cutting budget is not eliminating police.


all these police will work for free…

What do you think the end goal of the “Defund The Police” movement is?

Whole departments have now been voted out of existence.

Where? They are not being replaced?


12 delegates. That’s it. Not the majority, not the governor. Not gonna pass.

Minneapolis was the first. They voted to disban the police force.

Seriously, have you ever thought of maybe turning on The News?

Irrelevant, he never said it has yet happened.

Probably get someone who knows how to campaign next time.

A few radicals.


Disban and replace.

Been done before.


Replace with what?

Damn, that sounds like a pretty bad movie. Who is in it?

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Strange double standard you folks have.

One Republican no one has ever heard of says something nutty and you folks run in here “Republicans say” or “Republicans are doing XYZ”.

Some consistency and less hypocrisy would be refreshing.

And it’s not going to happen.
Everyone can relax now.

I’m sure he feels ever so greatly comforted to know you are in agreement with him then.

When did you pretend otherwise above?