The bright side of Lib stupidity?

Different states have different laws. Adults and businesses make decisions on where to locate depending on those laws. Seems pretty similar to me.

We have a law in Texas; anybody can drop a new born at the fire station - no questions asked.


Yippee for you, oh morally superior one.

Not everyone is as morally awesome as you.

Now answer the question, please?

Why not?

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Most states do. And how is, abortion for the life of the mother valid after viability. How does killing it instead of preserving its life harm the mother? Unless she can’t withstand a c section.


I’m pretty sure that’s how it already works. Ask Hunter.

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Same here in south carolina.

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I did answer it.


Having run a bus route in a project full of poor single mothers, I can assure you the availability of abortions has zero impact on their poor motherhood. Quite the contrary. Many were very candid about the fact that having MORE children got them MORE welfare.

Your argument fails also because while it has a negligible effect on curbing poverty stricken mothers, it does, on whole kill a much larger percentage of minority than white babies, which is precisely what Maggie Sanger was trying to accomplish.

I would think you lefties would be against things that are blatantly racist, but as usual your hypocrisy overrides your faux outrage.


The court hasn’t taken away the opportunity to get an abortion. At least be honest about what the court did.


Sanger died a very long time ago.

But having more children to get more welfare…. Wow… just wow.

It’s an epidemic on the left, rioting in states that are expanding abortion up to birth. This ruling is resulting in less restrictive abortion per capita rather than more.

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I can’t assume but: Are there any other women participating in this thread?

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How many is “large numbers of women”? 100?1000? 10,000? Seems a large number of lib women may not understand the concept of interstate travel.


Hallmark of the left, paternal, nobody can be trusted to do the right thing. Daddy government decides.

No, you’re on the side of Daddy government decides, not me. Like, really on the nose with it here.

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Lol, the court just relinquished autocratic power and returned it to democratic processes.

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What does this mean? The OP referred to college choices. This has to do with where young women choose to live. Again, wouldn’t the sensible choice be: a state where you have more freedom?

For example, why would I want to limit my choices or risk any legal complications if dealing with a miscarriage (which are common) or an ectopic pregnancy? It makes no sense.

Yes, it certainly doesn’t. Please list the states that bring charges against having miscarriages.

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that would be all 50 of them

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