The anti-authoritarians are gonna love this

A Justice Department spokesperson, Anthony Coley, confirmed to POLITICO on Thursday night that the legal process to get the records was approved last year, but he did not explain why the records were sought.

The news comes less than two weeks after The Washington Post reportedthat Trump’s Justice Department secretly got three Post reporters’ phone records and tried to get their email logs. The move was in an apparent bid to uncover the sources for a story in 2017 on a federal investigation into alleged links between Russia and the then-president’s campaign.

Secretly obtaining records…tsk tsk.

Let me guess…not technically illegal?


How about using the DOJ to try to get Twitter to unmask the people making mean tweets to Devin Nunes?


What’s up with the massive TDS resurgence lately? Did Joe sniff another kid?



They are trying to distract people away from the disasters the kid sniffer is creating.


Is it illegal to disclose classified information to news sources? If so, what they’re doing is attempting to find out who is breaking our laws. Yeah man…that’s terrible.

A Justice Department spokesperson, Anthony Coley, confirmed to POLITICO on Thursday night that the legal process to get the records was approved last year, but he did not explain why the records were sought.

^^^^^^^^^^^^ from the OP’s article ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


I’m sure glad I didn’t help create this disaster. Must be hell on their consciences. lol


I wondered who still watches CNN to be…“informed”? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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He was only following Obama’s example.


Dude…that’s different. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

What comes around goes around…right libs?

Authoritarianism is fine if it comes from your team, right cons?

Yes lib. In fact IMO all republican governors should be using their state AG’s to go after democrats in their states. Bankrupt em all.


In fact Trump didn’t know how to use goverment as a weapon. Next republican pres best learn.

Decidedly unAmerican attitude ya got there.

That’s right. What’s good for goose is good for gander.

What makes you think that’s what they were doing?

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Because there is nothing you hate more than authoritarianism!!!

What a sell out.

All for trump.


Leaks are only bad if prosecuted by a dem admin or when a gop admin is more leaky than a sieve.

You don’t get to hold me to standards that you refuse to hold yourself.


Spider senses… :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

The first of this happened a few weeks ago and that was the motive given…and it also made sense.