The anti-authoritarians are gonna love this

No, it didn’t happen a few weeks ago - this happened last year. You quoted that part of the article.

This came up in a thread a few weeks ago and the article covering it asked the motive and that’s what was given.

The clarity of conscience from our cons, it’s piercing.

That’s right…libs think they’re only ones allowed to weaponize our goverment to go after their political opponents.


Your hypocricy is hilarious. And typical of so-called conservative Trump supporters.

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Too bad lib. You’re not special.


Who needs principles? Those were so pre-2016.

people are afraid trump will return

so here come all the “crimes” and “investigations”

political currency of the banana republic left


Well, you can’t spell Conservative without the con. :wink:

Im not the one supporting the use of lib tactics, lib.

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I wasn’t trying to.

I was holding you to the standards you set for yourself by posting here everyday.

You condemn authoritarianism…until you embrace it! Har har har.


No, there is no excuse.

If it give libs a taste of their own medicine…then I say go for it.

Not one single lib on this forum join me condemning the use of government as a political weapon…not one single lib. You’ll applaud it in fact.

Oh and for the record…some here remembered me warning and cautioning pres Bush. That was back when I was darling of left-wingers on this forum.


blah blah blah.
You are now celebrating authoritarianism.
Hooray!!! You have become what you despise.

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Hold yourself to standards that YOU demand others.

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You made me do this. It’s your fault.

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I demand nothing.

You proclaim you hate authoritarians. You did that.

And now you openly celebrate them.

I demand nothing of you. You are doing this all yourself.

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But I thought today’s right wingers were better than that?

They were supposed to show everyone how the True Republic was supposed to operate, right?

I guess not…


You’re right, Trump Defense Syndrome has seen a yoooooooge resurgence from people who claimed all along they didnt really support him or like him. He sends tingles up a lot more than just legs, apparently.

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