The "Alt-Right" is NOT on the Right

I agree. Personally I rather have this debate between libertarianism and authoritarianism. It’s puts thing in proper perspective about the roll of goverment.

These impulses exist in the same PERSON.

Hollywood and libraries are more dangerous than the government?

The library, really! :roll_eyes: If students spent more time in the library and less time in front of a blathering liberal leftist college professor (academia) indoctrinating & poisoning young minds the country would be better off.

The collusion between Hollywood, pop culture, leftist academia, corrupt MSM, junk journalism and Government is a threat to a our civil society, the rule of law and the foundation of our country.

Says the ones who want discrimination if gays

Hyperbole, much? The right controls the government.
And yes, the library. Where else would you find the Foucault writings professors use for their lectures?

Dont forget science

But the problem is libertarians threw their hat in the ring with the authoritarians. Look at some on this board

Ah yes. Remember when leftist science tried to take down big tobacco by convincing us smoking caused cancer?