The Admin wants 75 Million for Hamas. What about democracy?

The Dims had their chance but NOOOO.
They went with the cement head when they could have run a real moonbeam!

The politicians are denying this so now…remember this exchange.

Remember an exchange where you are buying what politicians are selling while decrying the iq of those who do. Mhmm mhmm mhmm tell me more

I guess the discernment required of my post was too difficult. K… :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Anti-Semitic. A sizable number of libs are.


Nah the broad brush was finely tuned. All good!

Anti-Israel. There’s a difference. I don’t understand why they are anti-Israel.

thats funny. it will benefit hamas and only hamas.

lol… hamas will still govern gaza, and hamas will be credited for the rebuilding no matter what happens, just as leftist credit joe for all trump did with covid. further, much of the money will find its way into hamas hands no matter what we do to “prevent” it.

I wish that I could disagree with you.

I think we still have to try though

yeah, because this same policy worked so well in the past.

trump was right, his was the only policy that has worked at all in the past 50 years.

extreme pressure on iran (bankrupt them)
complete isolation of “palestine”
do the work of bringing arab states and israel together

when “palestine” is left with no other option other than to deal with israel, they will have no choice. deal with them, or be relegated to the dustbin of history. they can still have a state, but first they will have to surrender militarily and accept a negotiated settlement.

Again. Expecting a different result. Why?


Can’t the same question be asked of the Israelis? They have been trying to maintain an apartheid state in a democracy for decades now. Is the situation any better?

My main concern with Israeli tactics is the perpetuation of militancy. 66 Palestinian kids were killed in this latest war. How man fathers, brothers, sisters and daughters will be radicalized as a result?

On the other hand, how many could be diverted by helping rebuild homes, water infrastructure, the electrical grid, etc?

Look, I don’t think American dough will solve that problem. But neither will a policy of all sticks and no carrots.

No, the same can’t be said of Israelis.

The Palestinians (Jordanians) are gap people. Any “state” you give them will be a gap state. Israel is core.

Not to mention you ignore the million times we already did it.


there is no aparthied state. perhaps you should listen to the masters a little less. the only difference between a non jewish israeli citizen and a jewish one is the non jewish one is not required to serve in the military. they vote, they are represented in the kneset, they form coalitions with other parties jewish and non jewish, they own land, businesses have rights in court and enjoy every other freedom offered to any jewish citizen.

zero. killing terrorists does not create terrorists, other terrorists do.

hamas thanks you, and those diverted will thank hamas

the carrot has been there for 70 years, they refuse to eat carrots.


That’s what they say. Never really bought it.

Kind of like the argument they aren’t pro abortion but rather pro choice.

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This is a stunningly naive post.

lol… someone calling for us to do the same thing we have for half a century and expecting a different result calling my post “naive”. priceless.

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Somebody who denies that heavy handed government doesn’t create militants should not be allowed to comment on foreign affairs.

heavy handed government?

killing terrorist is not heavy handed, its what you should expect your government to do. it does not create terrorists, it kills them. terrorists create other terrorists, the more you kill, the less are available for the task. there is no heavy handed government involved here. does that mean the israeli government is not sometimes heavy handed? no, i’m sure it is. and that can cause grievance. how you address that grievance is a matter of choice. only a terrorist can create another terrorist though.

otherwise, sorry, but i will not be cancelled by you. we know the leftist tactics, if you don’t like the argument silence the other side. not happening. you have a view, air it, it should be aired. wrong or not

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