Texas settles lawsuit over bungled search for illegal votes

A dead guys opinion, who guided GOP policy and whos letter was copy pasted by the DOJ…some rando

1.5 million.

Yeah, now prove that they voted

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:rofl: :rofl: Stop, stop, you’re killing me. From a Trump supporter. :rofl:


Please allow me to repeat myself…don’t care. It makes perfect sense to know how many people are here…legally and illegally…PERIOD.

Ok…bang. :sunglasses:

Well, this guy is the reason the question got added, and it was expressly because it would disenfranchise non-whites. But, as someone who made a thread proudly claiming the white nationalist label, I see why you don’t give a rats ass about that.


Except that wasn’t the reason that question was added to the census. That is why the intent matters.

GOP: Lets suppress voters, so that we can remain in power even though we get less of the vote we can be put this into overdrive by including a citizenship question.

Not Smyrna: So long as we find out how many illegals are here, do eet!

Oh…let’s make it racial. How very weak of you. Honesty…is the best policy my friend. Is the person being accounted for…legal or illegal?

He isnt making it racial, those are the exact quotes! :rofl:

…and that makes it official…amirite? Everyone should be accounted for both legal and illegal and not doing so can only be for nefarious reasons?

Yes it does make it official, because the GOP did it with this very reason in mind not a good faith attempt at finding out how many illegals are here.

The GOP give’s a rats on knowing how many illegals are here

Uh, the guy who drafted the letter to add the question expressly said it was racial. And the DOJ official LIED about it. So yeah, it’s ■■■■■■■ official.

Great…and if someone else penned it who wasn’t…does that make the question different? Just stop. It isn’t about who designed it? It’s about being accurate and there is NO reason to desire an imperfect census.

Its about why they designed it, the intention was not to “find out how many illegals are here” the intention is suppress votes and remain in power even when getting less then half of the votes.

The finding out how many illegals are here is a front…get it yet? This has been exposed, there is no going around it

The presence of the question makes it inaccurate, because it expressly discourages a segment of the population from not responding. That’s the point of the question. As well as to redistrict in a manner that disenfranchises non-whites. They said the quiet part out loud. So you have it backwards.

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I don’t want to get around anything other than…NOT KNOWING. Why…would “we” NOT want to know?

Hey you want to know…thats great!

Please, lead an effort in doing so, this was not it and I am not the one saying it, its the GOP saying it

The only “segment” that may be discouraged is illegal. I can’t help that. When…should people be held accountable for abiding by the law? Your method is chaos…and I do not subscribe to that.