Texas freezes ,ted cruz flies to cancun


Yeah. She’s just pandering for votes. Oh wait.

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and attention

remember, she thinks these people want to murder her

Filling the void left by Cancun.

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Please tell me you aren’t one of those political tourists who doesn’t know that politicians are working even when Congress is out of session and in fact that’s why they go home so much. Constituent services.

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taking advantage of the media pile-on and manufactured rage

Want to know how Georgia turned blue?

Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.

Manufactured by Cruz Inc.

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you making this about me tommy?

She started fundraising before fled Cruz went to Cancun.

manufactured by the media, inc

Come on down here with your $2M in help and talk some Rican to the vatos, little lady. They’ll remember you when it’s time.

Vatos - boys.

Ted Cruz has plenty of things he could be doing with constituent services, which is like half the job of a politician that everyone pretends doesn’t exist, and involves servicing your constituent’s needs. People got some needs right now.

The Media didn’t put Ted Flews on an airplane to the beach.

No, AOC is going.

doesnt affect what i said

hmmmm… pretty lame if you ask me

So, so easy. Just point the AR GiveaDamn 15 at the hurting people and squeeze the trigger.

And yet somehow Republicans just can’t figure out not to point it at themselves. Tsk, tsk.

I didn’t.

i didnt say he didnt ask for it