Terrorism in Sri Lanka

Why won’t the President just say the victims were Christian? He’s waaaay too PC.

Over 300 Christians killed in the continuing crusades of radical Islam. Been going on since about 700 AD. The entire Mediterranean coast was once Christian and pagan. The last Crusade into Europe by Islam was in 1658 when they tried for a second time to take the golden apple “Vienna”.

Like socialism they some how get a free pass on their history.

What the heck are you even talking about?

The history of radical Islam. You are just proving my last point. People know nothing about it’s history. Ever ask yourself why?

Most people automatically condemn Christians for 3 crusades a 1000 years ago, that were a reaction to the violence and intolerance of Islam at the time…

I know plenty about history.

Radical Islam is not getting a pass.

I do find it funny that the wars of the Middle Ages are still talked about with horror when the reality is that Europe and Christendom seriously stomped on the Middle East for a few hundred years and even more so when Oil became more important.

But you know… scary people with beards who aren’t hipsters… so I gots to be scared of them.

Your failure to take this blantant and horrific persecution of Christianity by the Deep State seriously is a clear indication that you partake of the anti-American and uber elitist spicy mustard.

Islam stomped Christendom much more, and longer than we stomped them. In fact the militarization of Europe is a reaction to nearly a 1000 years Islamic attacks and slave raids.

I don’t think you know much of it’s history…

No… no it didn’t.

And “We” stomped no one. “We” were not alive.

The Ottomans were being pushed back for centuries until the “Sick Man of Europe” got divided up at the end of WW1.

Of course only someone with an ideological axe to grind would attribute religion as the sole motivation of the Ottoman’s building an empire… like they would have motivations completely different than every single empire to exist ever.

You must have missed the most recent Islamic crusade by ISIS. “We” stomped them back to the stone age. And yes the Ottoman’s attack on Vienna was religiously inspired.

And gosh how the middle east has suffered from having all that oil to sell US…

How long did ISIS hold on to territory?

The Middle East is a basket case due to a myriad of reasons.

One of the most recent reasons has to do because of Gavrilo Princip.

Again, they killed them because they were Christians - not because they were Easter worshipers.


It isnt better or worse.

It makes his tweet outside the argument of how they are identified. He didn’t identify them.


How do you know why they bombed those churches?

The victims died during worship on Easter.

That is a factual statement that does not pretend to read minds and declare intent before the dust even settles.

We are talking about REPLACING the religious identifier with an identifier that doesn’t mention the religion, at all.

In the two cases you cited the religion was ALSO mentioned - not replaced. So, “Ramadan worshipers” was used to identify what the “MUSLIMS” mentioned in the articles were doing.

In the case of Sri Lanka, they were never identified as Christians. They were identified as “Easter worshipers,” only.


Why is it important that they be identified by their religious beliefs, rather than the action they were performing when they were killed?

AGAIN, none of those killed were killed because they were “Easter worshippers”. They were killed because they were Christians.

When you are identifying VICTIMS you identify them for WHY they are victims - not for the thing they happened to be doing at the time.


That sounds like a rule you just made up.

Because it makes it clear that it was an attack on the religion and that is EASILY the most important aspect of the entire thing.

Was it not the most important thing about the New Zealand attack?

Why the double standard? Christians are being targeted in huge numbers - something like 4,000 killed this year already. It is IMPORTANT to know that Christians were targeted here - not some people who were doing something.


Which is more imnportant to know?

Unless what they were doing was somehow provocative then WHY they are victims is what is important, not what they happened to be doing at the time they were killed.


No, it wasn’t an attack on the religion.

It was an attack on three churches (of two different denominations) and three luxury hotels. You don’t get victimhood by proxy.