Teleprompter problems

Right? Donald don’t need a teleprompter to speak good, unlike Obama, who was lost, without one. :rofl:

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Correct, this is just the libs trying to change history again. It was never about the use of teleprompters it was about 8 years listening to them whining about how bad Bush was at speaking and then how great of an orator Obama was going to be. Which turned to only be true if he used a teleprompter.

I don’t know about that. He is pretty bad either way.


That was what it was about.

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What about those comments by Trump about teleprompters and Hillary?

It’s like reality gets warped to fit the fiction.

Again dodging the stumbling and stuttering Obama facts.

Have to admit he could read well though. :wink:

That was just Donald pointing out lib hypocrisy. Donald only uses them to be ironic.

Obama stutters while Trump makes up crazy ■■■■■ and the stuttering is what bothers you? LOL

Maybe it’s time to take the red hat off and think over a few things.

Everyone is human. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time.

Public speaking is hard.

I am sure that both Obama and Trump are much better at it than most of the people here.

The defense of the President’s obvious blunders after he and others in the CEC spent years criticizing Obama for doing the exact same thing is what I am laughing about.

How much better would it be to go… yeah… trying to score internet points over Obama’s use of a TelePrompTer when nearly every public speaker in the world uses one was petty and stupid.

How much better would things be?

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Ah, you have discovered hypocrisy, the great American pass time. Now pass the hotdogs and apple pie.


That is what it was always about but we know the libs need to fabricate stuff to make themselves feel better.

I said that is what it was about.

What is there to argue about?

What about them? Did I defend them?

Glad you agree

If “carefully considering what the possible implications are of what you say before you open your pie hole” is how you define “stuttering”, then yeah, i guess. I’ll take the stutterer over the buffoon every day, and twice on Sundays.

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Trump doesn’t suffer any of those issues.

Doesn’t stumble, doesn’t stutter, doesn’t read well.

And puts airplanes Into the revolutionary war.

Trump himself is blaming the teleprompter

No body knows American history like Trump knows American history. Oddly enough, that’s a true statement.