Teleprompter problems

He can’t deliver an applause line for ■■■■■ His delivery was so bad the crowd didn’t even know they were applause lines.


Here’s a refresher.

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When he pauses, he kind of steps back and surveys the crowd…… with his nose up in the air just like repugs said Obama did.

Based strictly on delivery, Obama was the professional, Trump the amateur.


Obama knew how to trigger conservatives. :rofl:

I’m still shaking mad about the latte salute.

I should also note the reason why so many people attack Trump for little stuff like this is he spent years publicly attacking Obama for the same behavior.


LOL! Ain’t THAT the truth!

So many times when Trump is reading a speech, he reacts to the sentence he just read as if he’d never heard it before!

The constant defending of him is the reason George Washington was so against partisan politics.


That’s where he was expecting applause and it didn’t come until like two seconds after he stepped back and people noticed the que.

It’s called early stage dementia. Not kidding, I am all to familiar with it due to a family member being quite a bit further into it, but it started just like that. He does not remember seeing those lines when he was rehearsing the speech, his short term memory is going.

It was about this time that I stopped taking Fox News seriously. Criticize a president for his politics, his speeches and things like that. But to make a huge headline out of his mustard preference on a burger? Stupid. I like Bleu Cheese not American cheese on my cheese burger…how in American of me huh? Anyone remember freedom fries? This to was stupid political statement.

Well, I suppose we should be grateful. If it wasn’t for TOTUS, we would have no idea that they had airports during the Revolutionary War. The Wright brothers have a lot of nerve trying to claim they were somehow connected to the beginning of the aviation industry

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An interesting analysis on this situation.

Another example of sociopathic behavior.

That’s the worst part of the current TOTUS.

I WISH it was the worst part.

Trump is just fine without a teleprompter. He goes off script a lot at rallies.

Obama off teleprompter would stumble and stutter all over the place. :smile:

Yes, Trump off of TelePrompTer would never say anything insane.


What libs never teach children in their publicly funded indoctrination centers (schools) is that Lincoln used a teleprompter during the Gettysburg Address. It was there merely as a guide for Abe, just like it is for Donald. Neither used it as a crutch the way Obama did!

(The flyover of Union fighter-bombers after Lincoln’s speech was as inspiring to the cheering crowd as the figure-hugging dress Mary Todd wore.)

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He don’t stutter and stumble off teleprompter. Obama was comical,to listen to, off teleprompter.

As I said.

Trump off of TelePrompTer would never ever say anything insane.

What is there to argue about?

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