Teen Attacked for wearing MGA hat by deranged Democrat

What exactly did Obama do to achieve these numbers?

It’s not Normal to just sit there. Not even flinch. But that’s ok…I lied about it.

Lied about what??? That it’s not NORMAL to just sit there and not even flinch or protect your cell phone.

This was staged, you trump huggers got pwned.

Dude…that’s just not Normal. Funny…but not NORMAL.

More liberal propaganda. Nice try Soros but everyone knows that everyone really knows it’s all a double play to make you make them think that.

I wouldn’t Normally repsond to a post like this, but when one so casually flaunts the Norms of political convention someone has to advocate for a return to Normalcy.

They staged a staging to own the libs.

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Let’s expand the view to 20 years and we will see that the Black Unemployment rate simply returned to its pre-recession rate of about 8%. Obama had nothing to do with that.



Trump’s actions resulted in a real reduction.
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Yes, you lied. Everyone has been in a situation where violence was occurring to someone, and they tried to merge with the surroundings so as to not attack the attackers attention.

That’s a human response.

The other NRA American response, after training, is to assist the victim before more damage is done.

But that comes from good training.

That teen likely was the son of a blue collar Democrat. As DNC incites more violence against Whites with their disinformation campaign covering up their own KKK history, more white Democrats will realize the DNC cult is not the place for them.

Welcome to the Republican Party of Freedom, where all races are equal success stories of free markets and free ideas, none of us victims. We are Americans with a future!

The radical fringe hate cult is being exposed for the extremist haters they are.

Lol. Untrue.

What’s untrue. Only after training where you channel fear into increased awareness, preparedness, strategy because of military, police, martial arts, NRA training has taught self control in such situations, do most people rise up in such situations.

I admit to rising up before such training, but then I thought I was a bad ass. Too old for that now, unfortunately.

Lol, it’s super weird to not even flinch from a dude invading your personal space or cover up the thousand dollar ■■■■■■■ cellphone in your hand when it could get bricked.

– A police report has been filed.

The attacker was promptly fired from his job at Rumble, a bar in San Antonio.

The bar was flooded with expressions of praise after it posted on Facebook an update about the man’s employment.
Source: Meh LifeZette : https://www.lifezette.com/momzette/man-attacks-teen-in-a-texas-whataburger-for-wearing-a-maga-hat/

I have not seen anything to say it was staged as of yet.
Can the people saying it was staged please site the source saying it was staged?

WOW what idiotic replies you’re getting, it’s staged, push back, fake, etc. etc. when in fact this kind of stuff was going on during the campaign even before Trump won the Primary and the General. There is video of Trump haters spitting on a woman and chasing a 14 year old boy down the street. Those that attended Trump rallies or wore MAGA gear were and are still treatied that way. Its typical disgusting liberal behavior.

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Weird-during Democrat years, it went down. During (R) years, it went up. Go ahead and Trumpsplain it for us.

Its called fear. I would call it the possum response, but don’t know if others do.

Only someone wanting to spin denies its a normal reaction.

That dude was significantly bigger than any of those teens, not one of them seemed like body builders macho kids. Likely they play video games all day long. They were scared, but had enough wits about them to document the incident, knowing that is how the perp would get busted.

Lol now that’s some grade A spin right there

Brought to you by the ‘Dont worry I’ll pay your lawyer fees’ GOP propaganda machine.

Seems staged

Actually just showing a recovery chart is some grade A spin by DEMs claiming Obama single handedly lowered Black Unemployment. I’m still waiting for someone to tell me exactly what he did.