Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris in Instagram post after the debate

How ironic. :smirk:

That must be why you Libs suddenly rose up together to try to shift all the attention to Lil Pump … you’re angry that someone who you think should be one of yours had the gall to openly criticize Taylor. The nerve of that guy! Who does he think he is? !!!

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Yes … a rational one with good observation and analytical skills.

Yo, dude, Taylor Swift also endorsed Tim Walz, who is ok with sexually mutilation surgery for minors, tampons in boy’s bathrooms, and men in women’s sports.

Do you believe Taylor Swift’s “research” ferreted out that perverted thinking of Waltz?

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So, no?

I rarely respond to stupidity. I’m making an exception right now.

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Very true and Melania would know all about that. :wink:




That would actually be two big pumps.

You really need to find some help for your tds. It is so sad it see people so eaten up with hate that they go after innocent family members because of their hate for one man.


Brilliant comeback. :laughing::+1:

What kind of proof are you looking for? An affidavit signed by Obama?

:rofl: Orange Man Convicted Felon is a bigger rock star than Anorexic Barbie!

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He thinks he is…Lil Pump…


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A poll of “likely voters” on Taylor’s “favorability” seems like a weird way to rate Taylor’s rock star heights and more a way to measure maga butthurt and bitterness re Taylor Swift. :joy:


You have the data.


We vote we win :muscle:

Wait! :muscle:t6:


That’s 30 seconds I’ll never get back.

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