Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris in Instagram post after the debate

Hey. Are you ok?

You need to calm down.

Great! You?

If I was any calmer I’d be unconscious.

Right. An American citizen with a guaranteed right to voice his opinion. Same as Taylor

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What’s weird about it? Taylor’s endorsement of Kamala has zero impact on her fans who either can’t or don’t vote. Nobody cares if teenyboppers idolize her.


Yeah … His response was waaaay over the top. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :+1:

Teenyboppers??? Research her fan base and you will find the majority of her fans are 25 years old and older.

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Get off his lawn!

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They were teenyboppers when they became fans and they never grew up. IMO, they are still and will always be teenyboppers until they wake up and realize how inane Taylor Swift songs truly are.


Damned right punk!

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Well, it seems a lot of these ‘endorsements’ may have been paid for.

Oprah’s certainly was. To the tune of $1 million dollars.

There was $1 million for Oprah Winfrey’s Harpo Productions on Oct. 15 in West Hollywood, California.

I wonder how much Taylor Swift got paid? Or Dick and Liz Cheney?

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The Democrat Leadership’s presidential campaign was one of the largest money laundering operations in history . . . and filled the pockets of many wealthy celebrities with donations made by uninformed, hardworking people who were scammed.

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That’s dems do. Very greedy!

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It’s not really an endorsement if they are paid. That’s just another acting gig. Fake endorsements = perfect DNC!


Is it true that Beyonce got $10 mill to show up and not even sing ? :man_facepalming:


I see that Tampa’s slip-and-fall lawyer, John Morgan, is upset over the election and Kamala.

Too freakin bad Dan, it’s time for you to bone up on the Trump dance

:musical_note: Chitty chitty bang bang, fee fi fo,
Taylor Swift is a demon tryna eat my soul!
She thinks that I don’t but indeed I know,
For now I just peep her and beat my pole! :musical_note:

Funny thing is there are people who think she is some sort of evil satan worshipper whose goal is to bring her fans into the warm bloody embrace of satanism.

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Entertainers really shouldn’t use their celebrity platform for politics.