Kamala Harris is very low intelligence.
Attorney, Prosecutor, Attorney General, Senator, Vice President of the United States. Called low intelligence by an anonymous internet guy on a chat board.
A certain type of male makes pronouncements like this
I would say which type but i don’t want to get a time out.

Attorney, Prosecutor, Attorney General, Senator, Vice President of the United States. Called low intelligence by an anonymous internet guy on a chat board.
Titles given, not earned. I’m not anonymous.

I agree. The part about people eating dogs and abortions being performed after the birth was really stupid. Oh, wait…
Kamala Harris is very low intelligence.
A certain type of male makes pronouncements like this
I listen.

I would say which type but i don’t want to get a time out.
I wish you would, it might be interesting.
What I really like us females trying to judge men.

Kamala Harris is very low intelligence.

A certain type of male makes pronouncements like this
yes an observant type

Attorney, Prosecutor, Attorney General, Senator, Vice President of the United States. Called low intelligence by an anonymous internet guy on a chat board.
Titles given, not earned. I’m not anonymous.
Lol “not earned”

us females
Speak for yourself. I’m a dude.

Attorney, Prosecutor, Attorney General, Senator, Vice President of the United States. Called low intelligence by an anonymous internet guy on a chat board.
Titles given, not earned. I’m not anonymous.
Lol “not earned”
Exactly. Listen to her.

us females
Speak for yourself. I’m a dude.
No way!
I always speak for myself.
Getting on your knees for a bunch of rich men will get a woman a lot of things.

Can you prove any of this or did you just pull it out of your *** because you want it to be true?
C’mon man, even you know that neither Biden nor Kamala are really in charge. How many times have we heard dotty old Joe say things like “they told me I have to do this” or “they told me to sign this” when having a photo op regarding some political action. And Kamala is even farther out of the loop than he was.
I don’t know who this little pump guy is, but he sure sounds like Raditz.

It’s not conspiratorial, it’s simply vacuous and without merit.
The merit is in the vacuous content of Kamala’s word salads.

No, by critical we mean common sense, logic.
I’ve had this conversation with Allan … What do you think common sense is?
Far left libs have no clue what common sense is.
Well, they had the sense to not respond. That’s pretty common.

Not voting for either of them is an option.

Lil Pump Slams Taylor Swift Over Kamala Harris Endorsement
“Taylor Swift, you have no clue why ur even voting for Kamala,” he began. “Maybe cuz ur a billionaire and voting for her has 0 impact on ur life. You said do ur research, clearly you didn’t do ur research. Right after the debate u endorsed her lol Right after she lied many many times!”
Of course, Taylor hasn’t done her research. Living in that billion-dollar protective bubble, she has no idea that Kamala’s policies would actually devastate American citizens living in our nation’s inner cities.
America’s wage-earning citizens have been made into taxed slaves by the Biden/Kamala Administration to pay for the economic and social needs of millions upon millions of foreign nationals who they have invited into the United States.
I love this place.
So you haven’t done your research either I take it.