Taxpayer Funds to Fly Illegals?

Read what I posted and instead of worrying about semantics, notice that the program this thread is about started when both our current Presidential candidates were in grade school.

Because it’s not true. The people being flown in are flying on their own dime, and have been vetted by us while in their own country. That’s what the smart phone app for claiming asylum does. If you think otherwise, cite a non-DJT and non-MAGA primary source that substantiates the claim that “taxpayer :dollar:” are being used.

Look at that. More info that belies the latest conservative freak-out-athon. :+1:

Honestly I liked it better when they hid this sort of ■■■■ from me and buried in a mountain of paperwork instead.

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Because human trafficking is no big deal to lefties.

What your saying doesnt make sense. Why would 100% of dems vote against something that wasnt happening anyways? If they are not using govt funds to fly illegals around the country, then why not pass the proposed amendment? That way, even the dems look good to their constituents signing on to prevent govt funds from be used to transport illegals. But 100% of the dems voted against the proposed amendment. It looks to me like they voted against the amendment because they are flying illegals around and they want to be able to continue to do so.

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This is not at the border, this is flying aliens into the US and above and beyond legal immigration quotas. The question is why weren’t we worried about it yesterday? No, the question is why aren’t Democrats worried about it now.

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Sure it is. But that’s not what is happening here



Sure it is.

biden has been taking people who crossed our border illegally, unattended children included, and herding them into planes and buses, flying and busing them throughout the United States

What do you call it?

So, DeSantis and Abbot are doing the same thing. Is that also trafficking?

Are they using federal funds? If so, I’m against it.

Context is important here. This was a proposed amendment to a bipartisan minibus funding bill. I believe that it is routine to vote down this sort of poison pill amendment which are offered to delay passage of the bill. But that’s just my belief.

Keep swallowing and believing the liars who claim this while at the same time are allowing millions upon millions upon millions with even more millions of got aways to enter this country illegally. Which laws are enforced? Eenie, meenie, mynie…moe…amirite?

Umm, they are already in this country. :roll_eyes:

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So in order to be trafficked people have to be brought in from outside of the country?Are you sure?

They are flying them within the United States to sanctuary cities/states. Florida and Texas are not sanctuary states.

They are not flying them over the border and they have not lost 80K plus children who probably are being trafficked as a result of Biden’s policies.

So…no. They don’t have to come from out-of-country in order to be considered trafficked. Thanks for clearing that up.


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