Taxpayer Funds to Fly Illegals?

Sure, but why are we doing that? Are we parking the plane at the Columbia National Aiirport (or whatver), throwing open the door, and letting however wants to get on, get on?

For that matter, what countries are we talking about?

I need some details before I join the freak out

If it were not that, Would they be illegals?

You have millions and millions and millions of details but just like as in this thread, you close your eyes to the reality around you and should be ashamed for the damage to this nation that you are complicit in due to your political choices. How anyone could place politics over the simple common sense that it takes to be cognizant of this devastating damage…is sickening.

See, there you go. Apply your critical thinking

The irony in this post is astounding.

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Quote from a famous “democrat”: “Ask not what your country can do for you…”

but what we will force you to do for the illegals

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Don’t you think it’s a glaring slap in the face to Americans who were trapped in Afganistan when the governement told them they’d have to pay the airfair to be evacuated yet foreigner’s fly free on the taxpayer’s dime?


Holy cow. That’s like saying don’t put a convicted murderer in prison because it costs money.


No, it’s Not “like” saying that at all; it is saying that whatever we do down there costs taxpayer honey

Yeah, putting a murderer in prison costs taxpayer money, too. The money spent is well worth safety to the public.

The cost of sealing our border is a hell of a lot less than the strain illegals and fake asylum seekers are costing this country.

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Bullets are cheap. Once they start flying, they get even cheaper. If we enforce our borders with them, it will get cheaper and cheaper as the months go by… They have been very effective for China, Ukraine, Israel, and many other countries that use them to protect their borders.

The cost of a wall is much less then the cost of supporting all the illegals biden has let into the country


Worth repeating. What is going on right now in this country is a real insurrection led by the DNC.

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You are SO tough and cool.

[Fact-checking Biden White House migrant flights claims |]

While it’s fun to rev up your outrage meters on a Monday morning. Here are some facts. This is a seventy year old program – not a new program at all. And the migrants cover the cost of the flights.

So the daily outrage – maybe not so much today. There will another oene tomorrow, no doubt.

Look at that. As I posted previously, no reason to get in on the ground floor of the conservative freak-out-athon.

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Im not “Tough” or “Cool”. I’m pragmatic!


Get your vocabulary straight. We are discussing illegal aliens…NOT legal migrants. Nice try though. You must have been fed that by the troughs in their attempt to cover Brandon’s butt?

Uh, huh…and repeat after me…orange man baaa, baaa, baaad. :roll_eyes: