Tackle climate or face financial crash, say world's biggest investors

Why not? Water vapor as a greenhouse gas causes much more temperature change than CO2 and when it condenses it kills far far more people.

Mueller wants to see what collusion looks like – he should look at this.

Federal Government should look at any US company that has signed this paper for anti trust, and collusion.

Here in Utah we do. 80% of our electricity comes from coal. Ban coal, all the lights go out.

And how much of the environment are people compared to plants that thrive on it?

Commercially viable vessels by 2030 (so another 11 years for that), then carbon neutral by 2050 (so in 31 years).

That’s really really slow movement.

More than plants.

It’s toxit to humans in the right amounts

Liberal response

“Let them buy Tesla’s”

Your trying to tell me their are more humans on the plannet than plants?

Humans have more value.

“i don’t like it, so ban it”

– leftists

If Donald Trump wins the election, kiss your 401(k) goodbye.
That’s the prediction of the world’s largest hedge fund.

"On Tuesday, Bridgewater Associates sent out a note to its clients predicting that the Dow Jones Industrial Average could plunge nearly 2,000 points in one day if Trump is elected president. That would be the biggest one-day slump in stock market history, by more than double, "

I’m amused at how these trump haters are so in awe at people with titles and professorships.

Why’s that? How long do humans survive if there are no plants?

Because I’m human, indefinitely with the right tech.

Does that right technology exist right now?

And why are humans more important than plants?

Because I’m human.

I know that every time I go to my doctor I mock her for hanging her diploma on the wall. Like that “M.D.” means anything.

Phhhffft. Elitist. :black_flag:

yeah i figured this was wrong and i am right.


About two-thirds of Utah’s net electricity generation came from coal in 2016, down from more than four-fifths just three years earlier and from nine-tenths in 2006. Most of Utah’s recently added electricity generating capacity is fueled by natural gas. In 2016, natural gas accounted for nearly one-fourth of the state’s net generation. Almost all of the rest of Utah’s in-state electricity generation came from solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass energy.77,78,79 Although the state does not have any nuclear power plants, plans for a nuclear power plant in Utah are in development.80 The state has the nation’s only operating uranium ore mill.81 Utah has experienced several booms in uranium mining—during the Cold War, in the 1980s with the growth in the nuclear power industry, and when uranium prices increased in the early 2000s—followed by mine closures when demand and prices fell. The Utah mill now processes uranium ore from mines in other states. There have been no active uranium mines in Utah since 2014, but an application to reopen at least one mine in the state is pending.82,83

Basically you use 2/3rds at the moment and its going down fairly fast because of natural gas and other ( this ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ refresh…can you people fix the stupid ■■■■■■■ board or not? )
2/3rds is 66% and not your 80% you claimed. You also sit on some very large Natural gas reserves that most likely your state will be shifting towards as we move into the future. We could ban coal and you guys would be fine,Well more like phase it out over the next ten years. You could create a ton of jobs with those plants and switching people over to NG…

Feel free to try again

80% was just a guess of the top of my head. Not to far off.

Problem with natural gas for electricity – it’s what a great majority of Utahns use to heat their homes, heat the water, and in many cases cook and dry clothes.

problem with natural gas for electricity – those plants use a tremendous amount of NG, more of them come online, the higher the price goes (supply and demand thing). So every citizen has to pay for higher electric rates (NG is STILL higher cost for electricity than coal), an then we have to pay more for our everyday things (heat, water heater, stoves, dryers).

Like the idea of using corn for fuel and having food prices run up. STUPID idea.