Tabloid reports Nancy Pelosi Husband busted for DUI over Mem Weekend

Of course they wouldn’t propose any bill like that. Older people vote. On top of that, most older people have no problem driving. So it’s kind of a sticky situation. For every 85 year old that drives through a storefront window, you have 10 times as many younger people driving drunk and causing all kinds of accidents.


This never woulda happened . . . .
. . . . if they had defunded the police like people told them to.

We were just in Sonoma last week doing the wine tasting thing but we shelled out 40 bucks an hour for a driver. The reason he has that profession is because there are plenty of responsible adults. On a side note, learned I despise pinot noir, the ones I tasted from Sonoma at any rate.


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Speaking of drunk driving, I thought I should tell a story. Get your guy’s opinion.

When I was working road maintenance one of our jobs was to plow snow. One guy flipped his snow plow because he was drunk AF. He was given stiff penalties but he was not fired. Opinions?

Where is it being fed that this was his first?

…and if it’s his 2nd, 3rd, 4th?

I give him a second chance if he joins an AA program and sticks with it.

30 plus years ago he would be fired. Today with a CDL worth so much is a different story.

Insanely dangerous even if roads are almost empty due to snow.

Reminds me of the Colorado truck driver that was a rookie and lost brakes going downhill and killed 4 people. One error. Much different outcomes.

I may or may not be there now :joy: we also hiring a day driver. It’s great.

Sonoma Pinot noir are gross except for some very high end stuff.

Fired, stiff penalties, jail time.
A snow plow is a large piece of machinery.

Everyone knows not to drive drunk. EVERYONE!!!
No excuses.

I just assumed that it was, and since nothing more has come out, I suspect that it’s accurate.

The penalty cascades with multple offenses.

Kind of like what a lot of Brandonites did in 2020.

It’s my understanding that he was arrested in 2018 but when you query it on Google…nothing about anything except just this one incident. Shocker…

I am pretty confident that if there was something there, the right wing smear machine would have unearthed by now.

Where did you get that “understanding?”

It was possibly reported but was someone else with the same name, according to this article.

The link is broken.

Broken now for me as well but I still had it open in another tab.

“A prior driving offense erroneously attributed to Mr. Pelosi is untrue and likely refers to an unrelated person with the same name,” Kamer said. “This error must be corrected.”

(As of Tuesday morning, NBC Bay Area has removed that claim in the article referenced without any note explaining its deletion. It is unclear when the removal took place; an NBC Bay Area representative did not immediately respond to a request for comment from SFGATE.)

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Ah. Thank you.

Also seems to have been a little accident in his past.

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