Tabloid reports Nancy Pelosi Husband busted for DUI over Mem Weekend

Hmmmm. Ok.

i agree the democrats dont need to keep stoking that


A preacher.

“Well known”

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Ya- never heard of him. Pretty hypocritical tweeting. Just never heard of him.

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Let’s hope he was white.


This is true. There has never been any violence perpetuated from the Right.

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not that we dont hear about for weeks, months on end

Ah so white Republican = lone wolf?
Black guy = Thug?


Probably a political stunt by Nancy. They are getting desperate this election cycle.

Try to blame it on a “MAGA” person of course. :roll_eyes:


Oh there has been violence perpetrated by the Right? But I thought you said…

said what?

no where did i say the right doesnt commit crimes


Nancy: Go get a hammer and attack my husband. We need to pin this on the Right so we can win an election!

Just checking…do you believe these things…really?

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Maybe just…hey this sucks. Just like violence against Rand Paul, or people threatening Supreme Court justices, or Liz Cheney, or Vice Presidents, or shooting at republican congressmen, etc etc.


No way to know yet. Need a race.

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If it was McCarthy’s wife the fake news wouldn’t even cover it.

I’m betting it is a political stunt by Nancy anyway.


To be worth north of 100 million dollars, get a DUI AND be a victim of a home invasion takes some skill.

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You know they have security with that kind of money.

Smells of a political stunt.

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Probably would have been a political stunt by McCarthy on his wife too

But that accusation would have been called “disgusting”… all of a sudden


They do?