Switzerland to ‘soon’ use first suicide pod for assisted dying

I hear you will be able to choose between quick and painless and slow and horrible. :smile:

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What prevents American states from reverse engineering this?

basiclly its slow death by suffocation

Not so slow. If you’ve ever experienced nitrogen narcosis (say from scuba diving too deep), you’ll know that the feeling of euphoria pretty much makes you unaware of anything, and the quick change to .05% O2 will render you almost immediately unconscious.

Libs are slobbering over this. :rofl:

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Legalized murder.

Personal liberty and freedom.


You’ve always had the ability to end your own life at method and time of your choosing. It’s called a big caliber handgun put into your mouth at an angle.

It’s mostly libs with all the mental issues anyway. They certainly have the right to spare the rest of the world from their insufferable presence. :man_shrugging:

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I’m afraid I’d goof that up at the last second.

I don’t want to leave a big gruesome mess of blood, spattered brain matter, and skull fragments.

state sanctioned post birth abortions

so much for life… can liberty and the pursuit of happiness be far behind?

The right to life includes the right to take your own life if you choose.

I do not endorse doing so except under limited circumstances, but ultimately an individual has the right to make that decision.

For people with terminal illnesses, particularly in cases involving the likelihood of a great deal of pain, such as cancer, or likely loss of faculties, such as Alzheimer’s, I have zero issue with people taking their own life to avoid the pain or to avoid becoming a burden on their loved ones.

In other circumstances, I would advocate against suicide, but again, that is ultimately the individual’s choice.

So what’s next? Typically, they lower the standards to be killed. Then eventually if you are deemed to be a burden to the state, some cases will become mandatory.

So where does it go from here? As we learned from medical weed, the ultimate goal was weed for all. So what do you think the next step will be?

Weed for all

Try again. I was asking about suicide. Which I thought was pretty obvious. If it wasn’t, it should be now.

He knew.

It was just another troll post.

I can imagine these will pop up in some mafia type murders

Yeah. That was nitwitism on display.

The way to reduce suicide is to give more people weed
So weed for all